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Showing posts from March, 2008

Humanist Sunday Schools and Free Thought?

It's at the Humanist Community, where for a few hours every Sunday the humanists, as they call themselves, come together in what one might call a congregation. It even has its own Sunday school.....What's interesting about this non-church is some of its churchlike aspects. There's a hymn book, talks that sound like homilies and, at one point, an actual collection plate passed through the aisles after one song. Quotes taken from ABC News: The Non-Church for Non Believers While there's nothing wrong with non-believers getting together in this fashion, I laugh at the number of times the article refers to "free thought". Seems humanists not only want to borrow Christian presuppostions, they now want to borrow our practices! BTW, hasn't it been from those with this background who have been the ones so outward spoken and accusatory about collections taken up at Christian services? ;)

Obama, Salvation, and Children of God

See: One News Now Article on Obama's Statements QUESTION: Do the morality and works of man (apart from Christ) merit heaven? Answer: No. A. Because of our sin nature and sinfulness, our works are not acceptable. Isaiah 64:6 "All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away." B. The only acceptable offering before God is His Son whom he anointed, has taken pleasure in, and accepts. Hebrews 10:5-10 "Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said: 'Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased.' Then I said, 'Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll—I have come to do your will, O God.' "First he said, "Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were you pleased with them" (altho...

Prayer for Healing while Denying Medical Help

It is reported "An 11-year-old girl died after her parents prayed for healing rather than seek medical help for a treatable form of diabetes..." Such a death is tragic not only because of the loss but because it did not need to happen. While it is true that God can heal by prayer alone, and while it is true that even in passages where prayer and accompanying practices are performed the emphasis is placed on the prayer, that does not deny the fact that God works through means and calls his people to be wise making the most of all legitimate, ethical and rightful uses of means that he has provided through providence. For example, in James 5:14, we read "Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. While the emphasis lies on prayer and all being done in the name of the Lord, oil was also to be applied. As Donal Burdick in the Expositor's Bible Commentary states Prayer is the more ...

Eckhart Tolle Christianity (Understanding Eckhart Tolle - Comparison / Difference with Christianity)

I believe it important that both believers and unbelievers understand the difference between the teaching of Eckhart Tolle and Christianity. Here's a brief post to introduce you to a few of the significant differences. (Note, I've just been exposed to Tolle, but it doesn't seem to take long to discern the differences) Context (the problem)Taken from here .: Despite Oprah and Eckhart's reduction of Christianity to but one "way" amongst many other equally legitimate ways to God, and their calling Christ a "revolutionary" who has been misunderstood by the Church, and who simply came to manifest "Christ-consciousness", a quick search through the internet reveals that many Christians are following Oprah in attempting to fuse together the teachings of Eckhart, and the doctrines of the historical Christian church. Great website to gain quick summary of Eckhart's beliefs/teachings: Ripples on the Surface of Being Key Responses by Eckhart To...

Eckhart Tolle - Christian Response

Unbelievable! ...The extent man not founded upon Christ will go and follow in their quest and pursuit of self and attempts to explain away reality and sin. Here's Oprah's spiritual sage... Response: 1. He resurrects errors of the past which deny reality by seeking to replace it with forms. 2. By reducing the past to forms (or photo albums) he not only denies the reality of the past but the extent of it's connectedness and relationship to the present. This error he also translates in regard to the future. 3. He establishes a false premise that one can separate the reality of the present ("now") from reality itself, which he vests in onesself (though he inconsistently goes on to suggest that life is found in abandoning oneself) 4. He has no grounds or basis for assuming reality is found in self (and apart from everything else, or only what one want's to allow) 5. By denying the truth of God, he falsely asserts that the future is no longer problematic...

Pluralistic Facade (Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth, Oprah Winfrey)

I was just reading The Wisdom of the Ages, for Now Anyway which highlights the ministry of Eckhart Tolle, a "German-born teacher on spiritual enlightenment and a best-selling author. He is not identified with any religion, but uses teachings from Zen Buddhism, Sufism, Hinduism and the Bible." I was reminded in reading that while the trend of many today (including Oprah) is to suggest that by combining religions or "taking the best from what each of the religions has to offer" is either subject to the subjectivism or relativism of deciding for themselves what to accept and what to reject (and therefore set themselves as the ultimate determiner/aribiter, and perhaps creator of truth) or as in the case of following Eckhart Tolle to submit themselves to the subjective beliefs of another who has chosen and rejected along the same principles and thus become the de facto determiner, arbiter, and creator (if not borrower) of truth. What's interesting is the infi...

Self Denial: The Key to Happiness

“And he said to all, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” ( Luke 9:23 ) One of the tragedies of modern evangelicalism is the seductive worship of “self-esteem”, an idol that has been erected to draw church growth pundits to its disgraceful altars. The message of self-denial is not popular among today’s professing believers, yet on this point Jesus was most adamant, claiming that whoever would refuse to do this “cannot be my disciple” ( Luke 14:26-27 ). The false religion of pop-psychology, however, tries to convince us that the key to happiness and contentment is to build up self. The “self-esteem” concept was invented by necromancer William James late last century, and was eventually advanced to the throne of Christ in many churches during the early 1970’s. (See Self-Esteem: The New Reformation by Robert Schuller ). Indeed, we have become “lovers of self” ( 2 Timothy 3:2 ). However, a recent scientific study has conf...

Time will Tell: Denying Truth does not Change Truth (or Consequences)

THE bill came due for Jason Perlow in October. The above quote is from The Fat Pack Wonders if the Party’s Over Seems one of the charter members of egullet (an online group which gloats over gluttony) has received a wake up call. We read ...he heard the grim truth: He was diabetic. He weighed more than 400 pounds, his blood pressure was dangerously high and his blood was thick with glucose and cholesterol. A doctor told him he would be dead in five years. This is not surprising. CS was skeptical well before this news broke. See here . I find it interesting Jason Perlow is quoted as saying I wasn’t shocked... but... Also worth noting is the statement Among a certain slice of the food-possessed, to suggest that indulgence might put one’s health in peril is to invite ridicule.

Courts take on Suit concerning teacher accused of making Anti-Christian remarks

Go-ahead given to lawsuit against teacher for 'anti-Christian diatribes'

Insight into the Debate between Creationism and Evolution: Links/Methodology/Motive of Disallowing Viewpoints

Hugo Chavez's Television Crisis The Venezuelan government recently took over the nation's most popular TV station. Was it a move to return the airwaves to the people -- or political retribution for airing anti-Chavez programming? A Secular Humanist Declaration Issued In 1980 By The Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism (now the Council for Secular Humanism) ...we deplore the efforts by fundamentalists (especially in the United States) to invade the science classrooms, requiring that creationist theory be taught to students and requiring that it be included in biology textbooks. This is a serious threat both to academic freedom and to the integrity of the educational process. ...Is it a move to return to academic freedom and integrity of the educational process -- or philosophic and educational positioning for humanists' worldview and "programming"? What's clear is that humanists do not simply oppose creationism being taught (incl: oppression of viewp...

Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana

Ms. Rice presents this miracle as she has the other biblical events on which her fiction is based: she decoratively embroiders the Gospels while fully respecting their message. The above quote is from a New York Times article on Anne Rice's new novel entitled "Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana." It's the phrase "... while fully respecting their message" that I beg to differ for the following reasons: 1. "...she gives him a crush on one of his relatives, a 15-year-old girl." Reason: While this is a novel, there is nothing in the gospels to suggest Jesus had a crush on one of his relatives, especially on a fifteen year old girl when he was 30 years old. The focus of Jesus' life from age 30 on was clearly on the kingdom and communicating that kingdom his disciples and through them to the world. To suggest Jesus as what we today would term a pedophile is more than literary licence. 2. "So 'The Road to Cana' perches on the brink...

Can Naturalism Justify the Preconditions of Science?

From Without a Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions by Kenneth Richard Samples pp. 195-196. If naturalism is to be accepted as an adequate worldview, then it must possess genuine explanatory power. But some difficult questions emerge to challenge the purported truth of a purely naturalistic worldview. How can a world that is the product of blind, purposeless, random natural processes account for and justify the crucial conditions that make the scientific enterprise possible? Aren’t the order, regularity, and uniformity of nature out of place (unaccounted for and valueless coincidences) in a purely naturalistic world which could as easily have been a purely random and chaotic universe? What accounts for the existence of abstract, nonempirical entities such as numbers, propositions, the laws of logic, and inductive inferences in a world that is the product of a mindless accidental process? If the sensory organs and cognitive faculties of human beings are the result of chance...

Reason and the Battle of Creationism and Evolution

"Our students are given both sides...They need to know both sides, and they can draw their own conclusion." Quote from here . It's taken from Dr. Patricia Nason, who has a doctorate in curriculum and instruction from Texas A&M University and serves as the chairwoman of the science department at the Institute for Creation Research in Dallas. Seems REASON (or at least reasonableness) does exist in the debate over creationism and evolution. Note which side of the argument it's found on. How can one object to her statement, that is, unless they are biased both in the process and the outcome.

Modern Reformation: The New Atheism

Christians who feel besieged by the atheist onslaught in recent years would do well to know their history. Quote from Skepticism, Agnosticism and Atheism: A Brief History of Unbelief by M. Z. Hemingway in Modern Reformation. This article is only one of many in this months issue of Modern Reformation on "The New Atheism". For a list of all the articles, see HERE . Here's a description the magazine provides: In this issue of Modern Reformation, we set out to give you the tools you need to understand and interact with the so-called "New Atheism" that is flexing its muscles in our post-Christian societies. First up, our resident journalist Mollie Z. Hemingway traces the contours of atheism through the history of philosophy and spirituality. Next, Lutheran theologian Adam Francisco brings us up to date by introducing us to the primary proponents of the New Atheism: Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and Daniel Dennett. Then trial lawyer and apologi...

New Books by Rev. Al Mohler

New Books by Rev. Al Mohler 1. Culture Shift: Engaging Current Issues with Timeless Truth 2. He is Not Silent: Preaching in a Postmodern World

While the World Tries to Cast Slurs of Irrelevance ...

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing; but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18 The whole world looked with contempt—indignant at the audacity of a few humble Christians, thus affronting and defying the "public opinion" of nations and ages; assailing the religions of earth with the cross as their only sword; striking down their idols with this as their only hammer; and with this, as their one lever, proposing to turn the world upside down! From that day the cross became "a power" in the earth; a power which went forth, like the light—noiselessly yet irresistibly—smiting down all religions alike, all shrines alike, all altars alike—sparing no superstition nor philosophy. This power remains—in its mystery, its silence, its influence, it remains. The cross has not become obsolete! The preaching of the cross has not ceased to be powerful and effectual! There are those who would persuade us th...

Blasphemy Law Upheld

Regardless of whether one believes blasphemy should be a law of the state or not, and regardless of whether the House of Lords voted to abolish their law on blasphemy or not, blasphemy continues to be on the books of the Lord and will remain there.

Southern Baptist Declaration on Environment and Climate Change

Declaration found here . While Southern Baptist's business is their own, and while I was pleased after reading the headlines that this declaration did not go further than it did; it (along with other things I've read lately such as "The New Baptist Covenant",etc.,)raises some question in my mind on both the political involvement within the Southern Baptist denomination as well as the role the Southern Baptist Church is taking in regard to secular matters such as environment and climate change. Overall, while the declaration spoke mostly in generalities and about roles the church is supposed to already be playing, and while I suppose it will relieve pressure off the SBC and perhaps even serve as "good PR" for the SBC in that it has spoken in regard to a present day issue, there are elements of it that still raise concern. Let me state that on several levels I was glad to see the church distinguishing between the role and responsibilities of the church and tha...

Vatican and Wealth

The new deadly sins include ...being obscenely rich... Quote taken from FoxNews article entitled: Vatican Adds Seven New Deadly Sins Including Abortion, Contraception and Drug-Dealing Wonder if the Vatican's position on wealth applies to Abrahan, King Solomon, or even to God himself? It's not the blessing or position of wealth that's sinful, but other things associated with wealth that can be sinful such as an inordinate desire for wealth, unrighteous attitudes and behavior to attain, keep, or hoard wealth; unrighteous management or use of wealth, etc. However, simply to possess a great deal of wealth is not sinful in itself.

Deadly Sin

The Catholic Church divides sins into venial, or less serious, sins and mortal sins, which threaten the soul with eternal damnation unless absolved before death through confession and penitence. The above quote is taken from the FoxNews Article entitled "Vatican Adds Seven New Deadly Sins Including Abortion, Contraception and Drug-Dealing". It raises the question "How Deadly is Sin?"? The Bible states "the wages of sin is death". It does suggest that there are only "some" sins which threaten the soul with damnation (unless forgiven) while others are "less serious" and do not affect the soul, it's relation with God, one's spiritual state and condition, or one's eternal destiny. While it's true there are some sins more grievious than others, some sins with greater consequences than others, and some sins with greater guilt and deserving of greater punishment than others; that does not negate the fact that all sin causes o...

Caution by Calvin

We indeed know that when anything becomes customary, almost all become hardened and flatter themselves in their vice; for immorality is then counted almost as the law, and what is sanctioned by public consent seems lawful. John Calvin (Commentary on Zechariah, ch 1, verse 4)

Relative Law?

Iraq's new draft constitution, which has yet to be approved by parliament, contains an article under which family law would be replaced with a new system determined according to the religion or sect of those involved. Quote taken from here . Does anybody see (or foresee) any problems with (or arising) from this?

Christian Truth which Stands Over and Against Reponses to the Pew Report

While many responses to the Pew Report seem to suggest religion boils down to whatever a person wants to believe, or whatever a person wants to make God, or whatever combinations or attractions work for a specific person, (or don't work for a specific person), it should be noted that: While idolatry is nothing new, true religion is not about man determining God, but man responding in relationship to the God who is. While polls and reports may provide a picture of the religious landscape... and even shape the greater future landscape when it comes to things like politics, public policy, persuasion, etc., they do not change or retard but rather serve the work of the kingdom of God, as it matters not how many choices or changes unbelievers might select, exchange or convert from in their unbelief, but that God according to his timing and pleasure calls, converts and recreates the elect through new birth, regeneration and sanctification. While polls mean much to the world, and can...

Illustration of the present life in regard to the number of (and attitude of many) unbelievers

While it is the practice of certain unbelievers today to count and take comfort and pride in the number of unbelievers in the world, I suspect lack of proclamation of the realities of heaven and hell and all that is associated with them has much to do with it. I know at this point, many might suggest that I might promote hell fire and brimstone preaching as if simply by "scaring" people they might enter the kingdom of heaven; but such is not the case. HOWEVER, at the same time, if other situations in life lend light to the truth, it's clear that many are prone not only to not take the truth seriously, but to even peddle and adopt that which is untruth in situations where they are either not confronted with the truth or are allowed to live as though the truth will not catch up to them. For this reason, it's important that the church not neglect preaching and teaching concerning the truths of heaven and hell and the differences between believers and unbelievers when it...

Professor Benny Shanon: Israelites Hallucinating at Sinai (Extent Some Will Go to Argue Against the Truth)

In Moses was tripping at Mount Sinai , Professor Benny Shanon, professor of cognitive psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, suggests (or asserts) when the people of Israel perceived the voices at Mount Sinai, it was the result of a hallucinatory experience due to partaking of two plants in their religious worship. Shanon's theory suggests "The religious ceremonies of the Israelites included the use of psychotropic materials that can found in the Negev and Sinai." What's interesting is he goes on to state: "I have no direct proof of this interpretation," and such proof cannot be expected, he says. However, "it seems logical that something was altered in people's consciousness. Note, in Exodus, there is nothing in the immediate or broader context that suggests the Israelites partook of hallucinatory objects. Not only that, but: 1. The event is recorded as historical, 2. The people are said to have been sanctified for two days (pointin...

College Campus and The God Delusion

Richard Dawkins is promoting his university tours to draw attention to his book The God Delusion. Hopefully, Christians on these campuses will see and take advantage of this opportunity to talk about the faith and lead fellow students and faculty to Christ. To this end, I hope pastors will equip their students and that students themselves will study both to know and discuss the differences between what Dawkins presents and the foundation and hope found in Christ. Christians from Arizona State, Berkeley, Stanford, University of Wisconsin, Columbia and NYU, University of Texas (Austin), make the most of this opportunity! I've heard about both the movement among young people in politics today as well as the attention being given to matters of the faith today... perhaps this can serve as motivation for students to get together for discussions prior to the presentation and then rally in evangelizing the campuses leading up to and following the presentation. Such presentations shou...

Hitchens question

Christopher Hitchens, author of "God is not Great", asks this question: "What moral statement can Christians make that atheists can't?" Since most of his attacks on Christianity revolve around moral judgments of the Christian God and His followers, it seems to be a cornerstone of his atheistic faith. ...... The answer really, is quite easy, if not simple. For if we are to answer the question directly, then the answer is "None". There are no moral statements that Christians can make that atheists cannot. But before the non-believers break out the champagne and declare themselves the winners with Hitchens as the conquerer-in-chief, let's take it a step or two further. Because if the question is taken to mean "What moral statement can Christians make that atheists can't, and provide a logical, reasoned basis for making those moral statements?" then the answer is "All of them." Now to be sure, there are a bunch of theories that ...

Oprah's Pluralism

I am amazed that so many actually believe that this woman is a Christian. However, this video should settle the issue of Oprah's religion once and for all. Oprah is a nice person (as well as an excellent self-promoter), but she is clearly NOT a Christian. BTW: See Chuck Norris's response to Oprah's latest "New Earth" course.

Oprah: A Course in Miracles (Repudiation)

As a former New Age follower and devoted student of A Course in Miracles, I eventually discovered that the Course in Miracles was—in reality—the truth of the Bible turned upside down. Not having a true understanding of the Bible at the time of my involvement, I was led to believe that A Course in Miracles was “a gift from God” to help everyone understand the “real” meaning of the Bible and to help bring peace to the world. Little did I know that the New Age “Christ” and the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles were everything the real Jesus Christ warned us to watch out for. In Matthew 24 Jesus warned about false teachers, false teachings and the false “Christs” who would pretend to be He. Quotes from this website which tells of and repudiates a new program on Oprah Winfrey's XM Satelite Radio Program this coming year.

Science Alone - A Faulty Hope

Synthetic biology has the potential to dramatically change fields from agriculture to medicine to zoology. But how will society cope with the ability for a lone researcher to — for example — build a polio virus from scratch in a private lab? Quote from this article . As long as evil exists, science can (and will) serve for both the good and detriment of man. Those who put their hope in man (and science alone) err greatly. Only God can truly change man's sinful nature and bring redemption and restoration to this world. For more, begin with Romans 8:18ff, then read the rest of the Bible.

How Do You Prove You're A Jew?

Today the meaning of being Jewish is disputed — a faith? a nationality? — but in Israeli society the principle of matrilineal descent remains widely accepted. The above quote is from an article in the NYTimes entitled "How Do You Prove You're A Jew". Seems the question of whether one is a true Jew or not has been around for some time. Reminds me of Paul's Words in Romans 9 "It is not as though God's word had failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham's children. On the contrary, "It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned." In other words, it is not the natural children who are God's children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham's offspring." The truth is that on a physical level, it will become more and more difficult to discern "Who is a true Jew?" and "Who is not?". However, on a spiritu...

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