While many responses to the Pew Report seem to suggest religion boils down to whatever a person wants to believe, or whatever a person wants to make God, or whatever combinations or attractions work for a specific person, (or don't work for a specific person), it should be noted that: While idolatry is nothing new, true religion is not about man determining God, but man responding in relationship to the God who is. While polls and reports may provide a picture of the religious landscape... and even shape the greater future landscape when it comes to things like politics, public policy, persuasion, etc., they do not change or retard but rather serve the work of the kingdom of God, as it matters not how many choices or changes unbelievers might select, exchange or convert from in their unbelief, but that God according to his timing and pleasure calls, converts and recreates the elect through new birth, regeneration and sanctification. While polls mean much to the world, and can...