Started at the Founders blog which lead me to start reading about the Building Bridges conference this blog post from the Baptist Press : The primary weakness of both supralapsarian Calvinism (God decreed to save some men before the fall) and infralapsarian Calvinism (God decreed to save some men after the fall) lies in their inability to explain sin and evil without stipulating God as the cause of them, Keathley said. Molinism better reconciles God and the so-called "problem of evil," he said, and eliminates the charge of God having caused evil. "God controls all things but He does not cause all things," Keathley said. "We must embrace God's permission to avoid having God causing evil." I guess I don't really understand the seems like the proposition is that unless God somehow did not know that Man was going to sin, He is the author of sin - that is - if He knew Man would sin and did nothing to stop it, He was the cause of sin. I think...
Working out the harmony of God’s Word and God’s World