David Attenborough in a YouTube video on his views of Darwin suggests the Bible has put the world in peril, by saying that the writings of Genesis which suggest the world was created for man has led to devastation, etc., and caused us to be in the situation we're in. To do so is not only to fail to interpret the Scripture correctly, but to falsely assign the cause of destruction and devestation to the Bible rather than sin. Such a view is not only short sighted, but misinformed. For example, while the Bible teaches man has been given dominion over the earth, the Bible also teaches the earth still belongs to God, that man himself was created from the earth, that man is use resources for their intended purpose, that man is to work the earth that it might be productive, etc. A simple Google search on "Bible verses environmental stewardship" reveals a host of articles that speak to this subject in great detail. This is nothing but a strawman and demonstrates either lack of...
Working out the harmony of God’s Word and God’s World