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Showing posts from October, 2024

Why I’m a Skeptical Biblicist

In a world of competing claims and theories, I find myself in a position that might seem paradoxical: I’m a Biblicist who’s deeply skeptical. Specifically, I’m skeptical of views that would undermine the Bible—especially without extraordinary evidence to back them up. This stance isn’t about clinging to tradition for tradition’s sake. It’s about weighing claims, knowing that when it comes to truth, not all ideas carry the same weight. The Bible stands out for its unmatched consistency and reliability. Over the centuries, this text has maintained a coherent message on matters of morality, purpose, and God’s relationship with humanity. Forty authors, writing across different eras and cultural contexts, contributed to a single, unified narrative. It isn’t a random collection of stories; it’s a cohesive worldview that resonates on the deepest levels. And time and again, archaeology and historical research affirm the Bible’s details—names, places, and events once doubted have gained credibi...

Biblical Designarism

Biblical Designarism: A More Reasonable Approach than Strict YEC or OEC Theistic Evolution As scientific and technological advancements deepen our understanding of the universe, Christians are continually challenged to interpret these insights through a biblical lens. While Young Earth Creationism (YEC) holds to a strict six-day interpretation and Old Earth Creationism (OEC) Theistic Evolution posits that God used evolutionary processes over billions of years, Biblical Designarism (from the Latin designare , meaning "to design or designate") offers a balanced and reasonable approach. Biblical Designarism respects the Genesis account, integrating scientific and technological insights without compromising biblical truth by adopting naturalistic evolutionary principles. Just as modern virtual reality designers can create worlds with embedded histories running at different time scales, this framework proposes that God, as the ultimate Designer, created the universe with layers ...

What Nature is Not Naturally: Exploring the Limits of a Naturalist World

The natural world, with its intricate patterns, order, and processes, invites us to marvel at its complexity. Science has uncovered countless mysteries about how nature operates, but when we go deeper—asking why nature exists or why it operates as it does—natural explanations alone start to fall short. Nature may be coherent and orderly, but these characteristics don’t arise naturally within a purely naturalistic framework. This article asserts several essential characteristics that nature does not inherently possess. By examining these limitations, we reveal a compelling case for something beyond the natural world—a transcendent cause that brings coherence to nature’s mysteries. 1. Nature is Not Naturally Caused Fundamentally, nature cannot be naturally caused. The idea that nature could cause itself is logically impossible, as it would require nature to exist before it existed—a paradox of self-creation. This limitation demands a  first cause , something outside of nature that ha...

An Article on the Superior Certainty of Biblical Methodological Designarism

Certainty in Historical and Cosmological Interpretation Certainty in Historical and Cosmological Interpretation: Why Biblical Methodological Designarism Offers a More Reliable Framework Introduction As we dive into the origins of life, the universe, and humanity, questions arise about the reliability of historical and scientific methods for interpreting ancient data. With empirical certainty diminishing as we reach deeper into ancient history and cosmology, we face a pivotal question: which interpretive framework—Methodological Naturalism (MN) or Biblical Methodological Designarism (MD)—provides the most reliable lens for truth when empirical certainty is low? This article explores how confidence in historical and scientific dating methods decreases over time, creating interpretive gaps. It argues that Biblical MD provides a more robust philosophical foundation for bridging these gaps than MN, giving Christians a stro...

Revising the Laws of Thought

Trinary Logic: A Framework for Complex Thought Trinary Logic: A Framework for Complex Thought In traditional logic, the world is framed in binaries: true or false, yes or no. This two-valued structure has been foundational in Western thought, shaping philosophy, mathematics, and science. However, as we encounter increasingly complex questions—especially in fields like theology, philosophy, and quantum mechanics—this binary approach may feel overly restrictive. Trinary logic introduces a third state, offering a way to engage with complexity, mystery, and potentiality without forcing ideas into rigid categories. Trinary Logic’s Relationship to Theology Before exploring trinary logic’s applications, it’s important to clarify what trinary logic is—and isn’t. Trinary logic is not an attempt to explain the Trinity or to mirror the Christian concept of a triune God. While the triadic structure of trinary logic (true, false, and indeterminate) m...

Volunism: The Mystery of God’s Electing Grace Revealed

Volunism, a theological framework centered on God’s electing grace, offers a fresh approach to understanding divine sovereignty, human will, and the mystery of predestination. Rooted in the Latin term volens, meaning “willing,” Volunism proposes that God’s election is based on the inherent dispositions of individuals toward or against communion with Him. Through the dual structure of conceptualization (God’s eternal foreknowledge and election) and actualization (the unfolding of God’s plan in time), Volunism explains how God glorifies Christ as both Savior and Judge, demonstrating His justice and mercy in distinct ways. This introduction explores the key tenets of Volunism, its biblical foundations, and how it addresses longstanding theological questions about human free will, divine justice, and the nature of salvation. The Foundation of Volunism: Conceptualization and Actualization In Volunism, God’s sovereign plan operates through two stages: conceptualization and actualization. Thi...

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