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Showing posts from April, 2007

PETA and The Redefinition and Degeneration of Personhood

PETA is pulling no punches, but now with a letter to Norm Goldstein, editor of The Associated Press Stylebook, has gone to an all time high in its effort to deny the distinction between humans and animals and its effort to supplant the scripture which draws such a distinction. While readers can view the letter for themselves, let me draw attention to a few significant points found in the letter: 1. PETA's agenda is to attack and replace traditional thinking and values (declared by Scripture). The letter states "While the world accelerates through the 21st century, progressive ideas are challenging and changing conventional perspectives". Where have those perspectives come from, and where is it that man has come to recognize there is a significant difference between humans and animals? Answer: the Bible. Here's an illustration where if you reject the Bible, you can declare whatever you want, or better put if you want to declare whatever you want, then you must fi...

Miracles and Non Theist Skeptics

Ever thought about how ridiculous and unreasonable non theist skeptics are when they seek to disprove God on the basis or denial of miracles? Some state that science disproves miracles. Other non theists, seek to disprove God by attempting to limit or define by dichotomy the difference between what occurs according to the normal laws and principles we see at work in the universe with God's ability to will and/or to act apart from those laws. Others prove more circular suggesting miracles don't exist because God doesn't exist. Has it ever occured to these folks that... 1. God, who is above the laws and principles which he established and put in place for the good and regular government and use of mankind, is free not only to act in keeping with those laws but to act above or apart from those laws (and along with those laws). For example, while the normal laws provide such that a rotation is experienced between the planets and sun, that nothing stops God from stopping t...

Religious Fanaticism

RELIGIOUS FANATICISM is a topic of interest in the press and will continue to be so. This is good and Christians should not only welcome this topic of interest in the press and in conversation, but take every opportunity to address the subject as often and as long as people want to talk about it. Yes, I know that when it comes to religious fanaticism, many are quick to point to the Crusades, or to the Spanish Inquisition, etc., but this is all the more reason for Christians to speak to the subject, not to set the record clear … for the record speaks for itself, but to set the truth before others that they might possess not only mature discernment and judgment, but come to understand the unique distinction belonging to Christianity in that it is the only belief system where fanaticism (or adhering to, or being obedient to, or becoming more and more committed in and to the faith) not only results in greater good for the individual but for society as well. You ask “But what about the Cr...

The Christian Attention and Response to the Secular Humanism Agenda

Paul Kurtz, Editor in Chief of Free Inquiry (the Secular Humanist Bulletin), has written an article entitled “’Yes’ to Naturalism, Secularism, and Humanism” in order to define what the “illustrious FREE INQUIRY contributors” are for, but in doing so he also provides indirectly a clear and articulate agenda for the Secular Humanists. This agenda seeks not only to mirror, but to replace everything that Christianity (and/or theists) consider not only important but essential in life and practice. In effect... ...... ...SECULAR HUMANISTS SEEK NOT ONLY: to replace God by becoming God themselves(wishing to “realize the goodness of life” apart from God for themselves and others, and to “create a better world”); to replace God as the author, sustainer and taker of life (by providing “abundant opportunities for achieving the good life), to replace the Spirit (by using their own “method of inquiry” along with an open mind and applying the best methods of objectivity, corroborati...

O'Reilly vs. Dawkins

Response to Bill O'Reilly's interview with Richard Dawkins . It’s good to see the interview conducted. I wish it could have been longer. Observations... O’Reilly’s Comments 1. The weakness of O’Reilly’s position of relative truth was exposed by the argument for absolute truth (even if it came from Richard Dawkins) 2. O’Reilly’s “throwing in with Jesus" comment and suggestion of openness to side with others reveals the lack of assurance and foundation of those who hold to religion but have not been drawn by God and come to the knowledge (ginosko = to know experientially, vs. oida/eido, to know cognitively or intuitively) of Christ. Dawkin’s Comments 1. Dawkins stated “We have a very FULL understanding of why the tides go in and the tides go out and why the continuents drift about, of why life is there. Science is ever more piling on the evidence, piling on the understanding…” [CAPS - my emphasis] Interesting that Dawkins later says “We don’t know everything.” Here’s t...

The Good and Bad of Terrorism and Attack

Christians in the west have enjoyed a time of great peace and prosperity; however, as recent events have shown, and the record toward the future continues to reveal, it is going to be incumbent upon these same believers to wake up and face the reality that the future may not be as rosy as the past has been. We must prepare ourselves and deal with that reality. My support for this thought comes from several observations: 1. Not only the increasing technology when it comes to firepower as well as other means to inflict harm or death upon individuals, but man's continued willingness to use it for this purpose (apart from legitimate uses of the sword by the state) 2. There seems to be an increasing trend for the perpetrators of evil to gain additional notority and seek additional effect by carrying out their crimes in mass (the bigger the better, the more who are harmed the better). (Note: in spheres of decency and peace, acts of this nature should be viewed as of greater guilt an...

Free Speech Reform

Freedom of speech, while forming one of our most precious and treasured possessions, can also become a platform for some of the grossest abuse, even under special protection, if not guarded and properly used or administered. Several issues have led me to reconsider and address this subject: ...... 1. It's not uncommon today to see such things as obsenity, pornography, hate speech, etc., exercised and protected to varying degrees under "free speech". 2. Many consciously recognize that something's just doesn't sit well when it comes to the hip hop world singing about killing policemen (and potentially planting seeds among parts of our more impressionable culture) and doing so under the protection of the "free speech" clause. 3. While advancing legislation dealing with hate crimes (a good thing), moral issues like sexual orientation and homosexuality are being slipped in and placed inseparably alongside non-moral issues like race, religion, gender, ethnic o...

Weakness of Islam

Should not religion be able to stand on it's own? There's a difference between government supporting the freedom of religion (and even legislating on moral issues in accordance with the free views and expression of its people) and government acting to promote a specific religion either through: (1) Enacting law that encourages and supports the targeting of individuals of a different faith, (2) In effect, distinguishing between its citizens based upon their faith setting some apart as second class or lower rate/privleged individuals; or through (3) Judicially setting precedence by siding with a particular group of people based upon their faith, or against another group because of their faith. The latest top story on the Voice of the Martyrs Website reminded me how often I read and hear of stories where those of the Muslim faith so often lean heavily upon the government and courts of their land, using religion as the very means by which they not only maintain and advance their f...

Food For Thought

While surfing the net today, I found it interesting to note the priority of subjects listed on the homepage of the American Atheists Website , a site that discusses things like Atheism, Youth and Family, The Courthouse, Coming Out, The Church, Islam and the Koran, The American Atheists Magazine, etc.) Would you like to guess the order of their list? Their list by order is as follows: A WELCOME FROM THE PRESIDENT THE VISITORS CENTER WHAT’S NEW - At The American Atheists Web. THE COURTHOUSE THE SCHOOLHOUSE YOUTH AND FAMILY THE BONE PIT THE CHURCH THE PUBLIC SQUARE COMING OUT ISLAM AND THE KORAN STATE WEB SITES THE SHOPPING CATALOGUE ATHEISM - Articles about Atheism and Atheists. MEMBERSHIP SEARCH - Search through our site! AMERICAN ATHEISTS FLASH LINE THE AMERICAN ATHEIST MAGAZINE CONTACT CONGRESS NOGOD BLOG RSS NEWS FEEDS QUESTION: Shouldn't legitimate belief systems (and inte...

The Grand Riddle

in wrath remember mercy . Habakkuk 3:2 To ask a holy and just God to show mercy to sinners who deserve punishment is to ask God to be less than God. How could Habakkuk do this? How can mercy and wrath be reconciled. This is the core and mystery of the Gospel, this is the Grand Riddle of scripture. ...... We've just come out of the Good Friday/Resurection Day season and every year these dates seem to activate the usual cast of skeptics: the sensationalists in media, the sad and desperate of atheism and the sophists of liberal theology. This year a movie hit the theaters about a black Jesus who was crucified because he was black and the Jews were white racists: "Although this ethnic discrimination angle might be factually inaccurate, since if Jesus was a black Jew, his accusers must’ve mostly been black Jews, too, the best thing about Color of the Cross is that it finally furnishes us with a reason for the Crucifixion." (Review from Frustrated and deluded...

Best Way to Deal With Abortion

Deal with Adultery/Fornication (A friend from another country reminded me it's one thing to deal with the fruit, it's another to go after the root!)

Sympathies and Solutions in the Wake of the Tragedy at Virginia Tech

My deepest sympathies and prayers go out to all the family members, friends, as well the multitudes of people who have been tragically, mournfully, and wrongfully touched by the recent shootings at Virginia Tech, and in addition to our own nation and fellow countries such as South Korea who unknowingly and without present choice have been drawn into this sad situation and state of affairs. The candle vigils and convocations taking place not only at Virginia Tech but on campuses across the country are meaningingful and helpful in dealing with the aftermath and helping the students cope, and will I suppose prove even therapeutic to varying degrees. However, with the lack of answers across the board on news channels for why this has taken place, and with pictures of the candlelight vigils placed prominently in the headlines with titles such as "Lights of healing in a time of darkness" attached to them, I'm reminded of the limitation of the state (along with the weaknesses of...

The Futility of Atheistic “Challenges”

“all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, ‘What have you done?’” ( Daniel 4:35 ) Time and again we are inundated with so-called “challenges” to the existence of God by unbelievers of all stripes. Usually these challenges take the form of “If God exists, why doesn’t He do ……..” However, these challenges have absolutely nothing to do with the existence of God. In fact, such challenges presuppose some knowledge of God’s power, as rebellious humans seek to mold Him into our image. ...... This is proven by the fact believers throughout history have asked similar questions. These questions, from believers and unbelievers, are understandable, but the attempt by atheists to present these as “challenges” are merely humanistic revolts against the way God runs His universe, irrespective of His existence. The great Charles Spurgeon observed...

"Why Won’t God Heal Amputees? Challenge” Response

Over the past several weeks, I’ve continued to come across the challenge (or ultimately the argument) from Atheists asking the question “Why Won’t God Heal Amputees?” Sam Harris proposed this question in his debate with Rick Warren. There’s an entire website dedicated to this subject called Why Won’t God Heal Amputees? Gil Gaudia includes this challenge in his post and proposal on the Secular Web . It’s been discussed in a New York Times piece by N.D. Kristof . It’s also been picked up and littered throughout the web on sites like My Case Against God , the Blog for WWGHA , etc. The popularity of this challenge and the significance of this question (in the minds of some), while on one level is understandable, on another level is mindboggling. It’s been described as “one of the most important questions that we can ask about God”. It is claimed to end ambiguity and coincidence when it comes to intercessory prayer. One has even stated “it could provide us with the definitive proof o...

The Blasphemy Challenge Debate

As discussed in a previous post, in January ABC aired a news story about two atheists who video-taped themselves blaspheming the Holy Spirit, and encouraged others to do so. Hundreds copied them. I have just learned that Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort ( The Way of the Master ) have challenged the atheists to a debate. ABC loved the idea and so did the atheists. So the debate (Does God Exist?) will be in New York City, and will be streamed LIVE on ABC's website early in May. Details are still to be worked out. It will be filmed for Nightline, moderated by Martin Bashir.

Idolatry, and the Point of Contact

Idolatry is not just a substitute for God, idolatry is seeking a point of contact with God that is outside of God's design. Calvin puts it this way: "That idolatry has its origin in the idea which men have, that God is not present with them unless his presence is carnally exhibited." This is a bit more subtle approach to idolatry and self-atonement. We want to connect with God and so we create our own point of contact, a transmitter, a place of meeting. ...... My wife and I were at the house of an acquaintance recently and we noticed an unusual artifact. It was a "Star Of David" carved to look like a Celtic knot. Historically there is no evidence that the Cel t s ascribed any magic to these artful knots, but some Wiccans have taken up the creation of celtic knots, attributing to them ideas and magical properties that may not have been there originally. Based on additional images and objects in this ladies house, and her own description of her syncretistic ...

The God Debate - Warren vs. Harris

On a cloudy California day, the atheist Sam Harris sat down with the Christian pastor Rick Warren to hash out Life's Biggest Question—Is God real? ...... Rick Warren is as big as a bear, with a booming voice and easygoing charm. Sam Harris is compact, reserved and, despite the polemical tone of his books, friendly and mild. Warren, one of the best-known pastors in the world, started Saddleback in 1980; now 25,000 people attend the church each Sunday. Harris is softer-spoken; paragraphs pour out of him, complex and fact-filled—as befits a Ph.D. student in neuroscience. At NEWSWEEK's invitation, they met in Warren's office recently and chatted, mostly amiably, for four hours. Jon Meacham moderated. Newsweek article here ......

Ignoring Truth

Read this article if you get a chance about the world's best violinist playing in a subway lobby as a test of people's ability to recognize the wonderful around them - then juxtapose this scripture from Paul: Romans 1: 18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Professing to be wise, they became fools,

Truth and Beauty - easy to ignore

Read this article if you get a chance about the world's best violinist playing in a subway lobby as a test of people's ability to recognize the wonderful around them - then juxtapose this scripture from Paul: Romans 1: 18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Professing to be wise, they became fools,

Atheism & the Energizer Bunny

I'll come to the Energizer bunny in a bit, but in getting to know the Atheist mind and studying what’s popularly being expressed by Atheists, I read "Dying an Atheist in America" by Christ Morton on the American Atheists webswite ( In the article, Chris writes “Dying is a process, death is the end. It is during dying that the first problems begin. An Atheist is a member of Homo sapiens. He or she is a biological machine whose function is to expand and develop its species and to protect all other species dependent on it in this lifetime. There is no "afterlife." Therefore, life itself is very valuable. To me (and this may not hold for all Atheists) if my life ceases to be valuable to me and to others, it can and should be ended - to use another machine-term, I can be powered down, or as Timothy Leary puts it, "deanimated." If I am still functioning, somewhat, this choice is a hard idea for most people (partic...

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