When we consider the doctrine of free will in Christian theology, we often focus on its role in the original creation and the fall of humanity. However, it's crucial to examine how sin has fundamentally altered the nature of human free will since that pivotal moment in Eden. This article explores the profound ways in which sin has undermined our capacity for truly free choice. In the beginning, God created humans with the ability to make uncoerced decisions, including the choice to love and obey Him. This freedom was exemplified in Adam and Eve's ability to choose between obedience and disobedience in the Garden of Eden. However, their decision to sin marked a turning point not just in human history, but in the very nature of human will. Augustine's framework of the four states of man provides a helpful lens through which to view this transformation. Before the fall, humanity was in the state of "posse non peccare" (able not to sin). Following the fall, we entered...
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