If history is correct, regardless of the science (and what it shows or does not show), in the end it's not so much the questions of science that will prove most important, but questions that go far beyond the science such as: How will "global warming/warning issues" and responses (whether necessary or unnecessary, whether right or wrong, etc.) affect and lead toward the advancement of mankind, civilization, world order, etc., all the way down to it's affect on individuals, and the future? My reasoning is that history is continuous and replete with examples of discoveries, crises, debates, responses, changes in the natural realm, calamities, new insights, the rising and falling of nations & kingdoms, etc., all which in their day or time seemed to be so significant (either positively or negatively) but all which in the greater picture have served to advance our experience and progress. As I skimmed a New York Times article this morning on global warming which refer...