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Showing posts from February, 2024

God's consistency, good purpose, and Man's free will

God is logically omnipotent. That is, He is all-powerful in a manner that is consistent with His inherent nature. God's inherent nature is orderly and logical. This nature is exemplified in the logical orderliness of Creation. If He were not, He would not be God and we'd only have illogical, capricious, and incoherent Chaos. This aspect of His nature is described as one of the fundamental laws of logic, the law of non-contradiction. Jesus addresses this crucial requirement, "Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand." Matthew 12:25. With this in mind, and assuming the Biblical Trinitarian God, the Father has a loving, logical, and good purpose for Creation, expressed as a meta-narrative in the Bible:  The Son shall be glorified as Lord, Judge, and Savior over a Creature (mankind) made fit for eternal communion with God. As stated previously, God's inherent nature is logical. He is also inherently lov...

Problem of Evil (PoE) solution, objections, and responses concerning slavery, “natural evil”, and objective morality from a debate with an atheist. I hope this is helpful.

The Biblical Christian answer to the PoE is simple: “All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 (Atheist dialog denoted with”>”) Simply, what we perceive as evil is ultimately part of a good purpose. The good purpose is that God (particularly Jesus Christ) is glorified and shares that glory with His people. We know the reason. We know the objective. You may not agree with or accept it, but we have the answer to the PoE. For the Biblical Christian, it’s not a problem at all. **Objections and responses** >So, in the Christian worldview, there's objective good and objective evil. God is said to be all good, perfectly moral. **Objection and response 1** >I note that the Bible talks about how you can own slaves for life, and beat them. >So that seems like a problem. Unless you're going to tell me that slavery is objectively moral within Christianity or something. But I don't think anyone wants t...

“The universe exists because it’s the only way it can exist”

This phrase, or variations of it, is starting to appear in debates with atheists. This is a very unscientific statement. It ignores probability and science for special pleading. No scientist looks at a functioning system and asserts “it works because it works”; that’s tautological. That is, we have a good understanding of the variables required to have a universe like ours and what level of precision it requires to function. Therefore, it is reasonable to examine the likelihood of those variables converging from unguided processes into the finely tuned system in which humanity (and human consciousness; another highly improbable event!) exists. A minor example is the probability of these words having appeared as a result of unguided processes. We know that likelihood is so close to 0 that there’s practically no difference, yet here they are! The only reasonable conclusion is that there is an intelligent cause for the coherent appearance, thus obviating all improbability. God, as the int...

Dr. Sweater, Christian apologist extraordinaire!

A new defender of the faith has joined the social media debate! Dr. Steven Mitchell, aka Dr. Sweater, is a Christian author, award-winning international physicist, and tech entrepreneur.  I highly recommend you check him out on TikTok !

Atheistic naturalists/materialists believe in miracles, even if they won’t admit it

Food for thought: The creation of the universe, abiogenesis, and the emergence of human consciousness are so staggeringly improbable and rare, they are logically and evidentially miraculous events.

Evidence for God’s existence - great article

  Link  - very well reasoned and convincing