I just read an article in Time magazine ( Reconciling God and Science ) about the mapper of the human genome, Francis Collins. I will confess that I was a little disappointed that his perspective, as portrayed in the article was of Theistic Evolution . Particularly his explanation of why he holds to his particular worldview in response to the question, "Did Collins think it possible that all species are products of evolution--except for humanity, which God created separately?" ...the human genome contains nonfunctional elements in the precise spot where they can be found on the chromosomes of lower animals. If God was creating humans afresh, Collins asked, "why would he insert a pseudo-gene that has lost its ability to do anything in the same place that it appears in a chimp?" Barring evolution, "you're forced to the conclusion that God was trying to mislead us and test our faith--and I have trouble with that kind of conjecture." I personally am not fo...