From this thread:
armourbearer says
armourbearer says
I liken the two approaches to a man who finds a watch on the beach. He sees the watch, and figures there must be a maker of it, and probably even learns something about the skill of the watchmaker. Throughout this process the man is the master of the opinions he arrives at. But suppose the watchmaker himself comes on the scene, and begins to tell the man how he made the watch, how it works, and what it needs in order to run properly. The man is no longer in control of the facts, but is submissive to and dependent upon the superiority of the watchmaker. The revelational theology of the Bible undoubtedly calls upon us to bow to the sovereignty of God (presuppositionalism), and not to be masters of our own thoughts about God (evidentialism).
This is a terrific and I believe very useful illustration... especially in regard to the sovereignty (and I would add the authority and wisdom) of God.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing this illustration lacks (as all illustrations do in some area or another) that would make it better is that it deals solely or primarily with the sovereignty of God, which in reality is never apart from the other glorious aspects of God's nature, dispositions and ways. One might come away from this illustration thinking salvation, acceptance, and obedience is just a matter of raw submission (which on one level is true as God is sovereign and rules over all, and is deserving of full obedience), but in reality and in the greater picture and truth we find God himself, along with his revelation, his ways, his truth, his redemption, his rule etc. are all so beautiful and glorious, along with being good, right, precious, satisfying, delightful, holy and true, that one is not left so as to have to submit in opposition to his own will and affections (as to an arrogant, power hungry and violent dictator); but is brought through illumination and knowledge, a renewed heart, attitude and life; along with a personal intimacy and love... not only to submit and to do so one's own free choice, but to delight in doing so, even with the knowledge and assurance that what one is doing is good, and right, best and honorable.
Thanks for bringing this illustration to our attention, not only for the analogy, but for the platform it provides for even greater truth and application.