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Showing posts from 2012

Why Christianity is the superior worldview

Christianity, particularly the reformed branches, is by far the most consistent and reasonable worldview. It can answer the Big Questions and gives/enables a purposeful existence. Compare Christianity's answers to any other worldview: Why is there something rather than nothing? All things have been made through and for the glory of God through Jesus Christ. What is the purpose of the universe? To reflect the glory and majesty of God to humanity through Jesus Christ. What is the purpose of humanity/why are we here? To glorify God through Jesus Christ as objects of Justice/Wrath or objects of Mercy/Grace. How do you explain human nature? Human nature facilitates humanity's purpose and justifies God's wrath as well as magnifies the grace of God through Jesus Christ. What happens to a person at death? All humanity will be judged by God through Jesus Christ. Those that are covered by His righteousness will receive mercy and enter into eternal communion with God in Heaven. Those ...
A few high level thoughts for church music leaders Church music leadership is not complicated, but it is tricky and requires due consideration. Here are a couple of thoughts that I try and keep in my mind as I prepare and lead. Pick music with intentionality - not just in terms of subject matter (very important!), but also keep in mind the “shape” of the service - lead off with exuberant music to engage and excite, and gradually taper down to more contemplative songs to focus into prayer and the word. For example - Your Grace is Enough, Your Love Makes Me Sing, God of Wonders, Amazing Grace. In terms of intensity - High, Med-High, Med-Low, Low. Don’t feel like you have to introduce or explain the music - if you have chosen well, it speaks for itself. Invite the congregation into worship and get going! Then taper or dovetail the songs together - doesn’t mean they all have to be in the same key (although that helps), but don’t let a lot of time sag between each song - jum...
Great debate/discussion between two great men: