The claim that “The Bible is the product of man” ignores the role of the Holy Spirit in its authorship. Scripture declares itself to be “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16) and written as men were “carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21). This process of divine inspiration ensured that while human authors wrote in their own styles and contexts, the content conveyed God’s truth without error.
Far from being a mere human artifact, the Bible reflects extraordinary unity—40 authors across 1,500 years delivering a consistent message centered on God’s redemptive plan. Such coherence, along with fulfilled prophecy and its transformative power, points to its divine origin.
The Holy Spirit, as the Steward of Truth, not only inspired Scripture but also ensures its enduring relevance and reliability. To dismiss the Bible as human invention is to reject the possibility of divine action, despite overwhelming evidence of its supernatural character. The Bible is not merely man’s word—it is God’s Word.
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