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No Evidence for the Supernatural? I Beg to Differ

No Evidence for the Supernatural? I Beg to Differ

The claim that there is no evidence for the supernatural is often repeated by naturalists and skeptics as if it were an unquestionable fact. However, such a claim assumes an incomplete or overly narrow understanding of what constitutes evidence. Evidence for the supernatural—realities that exist beyond and independent of the natural world—is not only present but foundational to our understanding of reality. The most compelling examples are logic and mathematics: immaterial, universal, and invariant principles that govern our world but are not part of it.

Logic and Mathematics: Evidence of the Supernatural

1. What Are Logic and Mathematics?

  • Logic refers to the universal principles of valid reasoning, such as the laws of non-contradiction, identity, and excluded middle. These principles ensure coherence and intelligibility.
  • Mathematics is the abstract system of numbers, quantities, and relationships that describe and govern patterns and structures in the physical world.

Both logic and mathematics are immaterial (not made of matter), universal (applying everywhere), and invariant (unchanging). They are not physical entities, nor do they emerge from physical processes.

2. Why Are They Supernatural?

To be classified as “supernatural,” something must exist beyond and independent of the natural world (time, space, matter, and energy). Logic and mathematics meet this criterion:

  • Immaterial: They are not physical objects or phenomena. You cannot observe “2” or “the law of non-contradiction” under a microscope.
  • Universal: They apply everywhere, from the smallest atom to the farthest star.
  • Invariant: They do not change over time or depend on specific conditions.

These qualities transcend the natural realm, making logic and mathematics supernatural realities.

3. Evidence for Their Supernatural Nature

  • Observable Consistency: The natural world operates in a logically consistent manner, and its behavior can be described using mathematical laws. For example, E = mc² is a mathematical expression that describes a fundamental relationship in physics, but the math itself is not a product of the physical world—it governs it.
  • Independent Discovery: Logic and mathematics are not human inventions. They were discovered and formalized by humans, but their truths existed long before humanity. The Pythagorean theorem, for example, was true even before there were humans to recognize it.
  • Universality: The principles of logic and mathematics are not confined to specific locations or conditions. They apply equally to all possible worlds, demonstrating their independence from the contingent, natural order.

Rejection of the Supernatural Leads to Incoherence

The denial of the supernatural nature of logic and mathematics collapses into incoherence. Here’s why:

  • Self-Contradiction: To argue against the supernatural nature of logic is to rely on logic, which presupposes its immaterial and universal validity. This is self-defeating.
  • Contingency Problem: If logic and mathematics are reduced to natural phenomena, they become contingent—subject to physical processes and change. This undermines their universal applicability and destroys the possibility of coherent reasoning.
  • Collapse of Naturalism: Naturalism depends on logic and mathematics to describe and analyze the natural world, yet it cannot account for their immaterial, universal, and invariant nature. Without these principles, naturalism loses its explanatory power and coherence.

Addressing Common Objections

1. “Logic and math are human inventions.”

This claim confuses the discovery of logic and mathematics with their existence. Humans formalized these principles, but their truths are independent of human minds. For example, the Pythagorean theorem holds true even if no one is around to think about triangles.

2. “Logic and math are descriptive, not prescriptive.”

While logic and mathematics can describe natural phenomena, they are also prescriptive frameworks. The law of non-contradiction, for instance, dictates that contradictions cannot exist. Mathematical relationships, such as those in physics, constrain how nature operates. These principles do not emerge from the natural world—they govern it.

3. “Supernatural implies mysticism or fantasy.”

The term “supernatural” simply refers to realities that exist beyond the natural order. While cultural baggage may associate it with mysticism or fantasy, logic and mathematics clearly belong to the metaphysical supernatural—immaterial, universal, and necessary principles that transcend physical reality.

The Naturalist Dilemma

Naturalists often demand evidence for the supernatural while relying on logic and mathematics to make their case. This reliance highlights a significant dilemma:

  • Naturalism cannot explain the immaterial, universal, and invariant nature of logic and mathematics.
  • These principles are necessary preconditions for the intelligibility of the natural world.
  • Denying their supernatural nature undermines the very framework that makes rational thought and scientific inquiry possible.


The claim that there is no evidence for the supernatural ignores the undeniable reality of logic and mathematics. These immaterial, universal, and invariant principles transcend the natural world and govern it, providing clear and compelling evidence for the supernatural. Without them, the natural world would be unintelligible, and rationality itself would collapse.

The next time someone asserts that there is no evidence for the supernatural, remind them that every rational thought they have—and every mathematical truth they accept—depends on supernatural realities. Logic and mathematics are not only evidence for the supernatural; they are the very foundation upon which reason and science stand.


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