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Biblical Christianity as the best explanation for organized reality

In the quest to identify the transcendent organizer responsible for the intricate order, complexity, and apparent design of the universe, the Biblical Christian God emerges as the most compelling candidate vs self-organizing material. This article will explore the reasons why the God of the Bible is the best fit for the role of the transcendent organizer, drawing on philosophical, theological, and evidential considerations.

1. Coherence with the Concept of a Transcendent Organizer

The Biblical Christian God possesses the necessary attributes to fulfill the role of the transcendent organizer. As an eternal, uncaused, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent being, God exists beyond the confines of the created universe (Genesis 1:1; Psalm 90:2; Isaiah 40:28). This transcendent nature aligns perfectly with the requirement for an external cause of the cosmos's order and complexity.

Moreover, the Bible portrays God as a personal, intelligent agent who purposefully designs and organizes the universe (Psalm 19:1; Romans 1:20). This characterization is consistent with the argument that the hallmarks of design in nature point to an intelligent organizer behind the cosmos.

2. Explanatory Power and Scope

The Biblical Christian worldview provides a comprehensive and cohesive framework for understanding the origin, nature, and purpose of the universe. It accounts for the fine-tuning of the cosmos (Genesis 1:31; Jeremiah 10:12), the information-rich complexity of biological systems (Psalm 139:14; Proverbs 3:19), and the objective moral order (Exodus 20:1-17; Matthew 22:37-40).

Furthermore, the Bible offers a robust explanation for the existence of immaterial realities such as consciousness, reason, and free will (Genesis 1:26-27; John 1:1-3), which are challenging to incorporate within a purely materialistic framework. The Biblical Christian God thus provides a wide-ranging and intellectually satisfying explanation for the key features of reality.

3. Historical and Evidential Support

The historicity and reliability of the Bible lend credence to its claims about God as the transcendent organizer. The Bible's account of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration is grounded in historical events, such as the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:3-8; 1 John 1:1-3). The fulfillment of biblical prophecies (Isaiah 53; Micah 5:2) and the transformative impact of the Christian message on individuals and societies (2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 3:28) provide evidential support for the truth of the Biblical worldview.

Moreover, the Bible's description of God as the transcendent organizer is consistent with the personal experiences of countless individuals who have encountered God through prayer, worship, and the witness of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:16; Galatians 4:6). These existential and experiential considerations, while not conclusive proofs, add weight to the case for the Biblical Christian God as the transcendent organizer.

4. Addressing Objections and Alternatives

Critics may argue that positing the Biblical Christian God as the transcendent organizer merely shifts the explanatory burden, leaving unanswered the question of God's own origin and complexity. However, this objection misunderstands the unique ontological status of God as a necessary, uncaused, and eternally existent being (Exodus 3:14; Acts 17:24-25). Unlike contingent entities within the created order, God is not subject to the same explanatory requirements.

Some may propose alternative candidates for the transcendent organizer, such as a generic philosophical deity or a pantheistic conception of the divine. However, these alternatives often lack the specificity, explanatory power, and evidential support that the Biblical Christian God provides. The God of the Bible is not merely an abstract principle or an impersonal force, but a personal, loving, and self-revealing Creator who actively sustains and governs the universe (Colossians 1:16-17; Hebrews 1:3).


In conclusion, the Biblical Christian God stands as the most compelling and philosophically satisfying candidate for the transcendent organizer responsible for the universe's intricate order and complexity. The coherence of God's attributes with the concept of a transcendent cause, the explanatory scope of the Biblical worldview, the historical and evidential support for the Bible's claims, and the ability to address objections and alternatives all converge to make a strong case for the God of the Bible as the ultimate source and sustainer of the cosmos.

While not a definitive proof, the cumulative weight of the evidence and arguments presented in this article provides a rational and warranted basis for believing in the Biblical Christian God as the transcendent organizer. This conclusion invites further exploration and engagement with the rich theological and philosophical resources of the Christian tradition as we seek to understand our place and purpose within the divinely ordered universe.


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