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Whining Entertainers

Can you imagine an industry that blames it's customers for not buying it's product? Imagine an ad saying "My product is great, and if you don't buy it, I'm not going to change it because there is something wrong with you for not buying it. Now get with it."

As the arts and entertainment industry degenerates into social and political debris at the expense of quality writing and acting, it becomes apparent that writers and singers feel like they have a right to our money. When the Dixie Chicks got "political" in their stage shows, former VP Al Gore complained that they were being denied a right to make a living when people stopped buying their music (Maybe they could get real jobs). Now, the producer of the Darwin biography film "Creation" is complaining that American "religion" has caused his film to flop in the US.

See 'Creation' Producer Blames American Evolution Flap for Film's U.S. Flop

"People have been saying this is the best film they've seen all year, yet nobody in the U.S. has picked it up,” he added. "It is unbelievable to us that this is still a really hot potato in America...It's quite difficult for we in the U.K. to imagine religion in America,” Thomas stated. “We live in a country which is no longer so religious. But in the U.S., outside of New York and LA, religion rules."

Mr. Thomas, you produced a flop. How about making a quality film that people want to see? It's your job to sell movies, not my job to buy them.


  1. Let them keep whining ...

    My money won't go to support their propaganda.

    Job reveals the arrogance and the folly of those who possess a “growing belief in a world where God has no place,” when he states:

    ""Yet they say to God, 'Leave us alone! We have no desire to know your ways. Who is the Almighty, that we should serve him? What would we gain by praying to him? BUT their prosperity is NOT in their own hands, so I stand aloof from the counsel of the wicked." [CAPS, my emphasis]

  2. Wow... This post has just so much wrong with it.

    The producer doesn't "blame" anyone.

    At best he gives the rather loopy religious views of the country as an explanation for it not finding a distributor. When you get down to it, given that every other country has picked it up actually says more about the blinders America is wearing than anything about the movie.

    Given the great minds that have come out of the US I find it rather a sad state for them to have fallen so low. :/

  3. Unifex: "given that every other country has picked it up actually says more about the blinders America is wearing than anything about the movie"

    Response: Argumentum ad populum

    Unifex: "Given the great minds that have come out of the US I find it rather a sad state for them to have fallen so low. :/"

    Response: Fallen?? or Making a Powerful Statement?

  4. Puritan Lad:
    The major difference there though is that the Davinci Code is quite definately a work of fiction whereas Creation is based on the life of an actual person who has played a major role in shaping modern scientific thinking.

  5. swordbearer:
    Re: Argumentum ad populum

    I wasn't arguing a point, it was an observation

    Re: Fallen?? or Making a Powerful Statement?

    No, I think I got that right. "Fallen" fits the observation I was making a lot better.

  6. Gold,

    Trust me, Christianity has no influence over Hollywood, fiction or otherwise. See recent Jack Black post for verification. Where else can a movie like Brokeback Mountain garner all sorts of awards despite the fact that no one watched it?

    If "Creation" was as great as the producer claims, Hollywood would jump on it in an instant, especially if they feel they can insult and offend Christians.

  7. Seems by using the word "blinders" you must have some standand you're basing that on, do you not???

  8. swordbearer said... Seems by using the word "blinders" you must have some standand you're basing that on, do you not???

    Evidence based science would likely be that standard.

  9. Puritan Lad:
    Hollywood is more a production house than distributor though. This movie wasn't produced locally. It was the attitude of the distributors that the producer was talking about.

  10. Oh, I see. So the distributors are all religious (like the ones that wouldn't take Gibson's "Passion"), and dont want to pick up a great film in order to make money?

    I'm so relieved...

  11. Seems with these answers you might have been a little quick to assume America is the one with "blinders" on, don't you think?

    Let me encourage you to "go beyond" the cliche of "evidence based science" and examine the issues along with the arguments and positions not only from those who hold naturalistic presuppositions (and bring them to the evidence) but also from those who possess supernatural presuppositions and also bring them in approaching the evidence.


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