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Learning from Trends to be Ahead of the Trends

Most things in presidential politics are scripted down to the least thread and I suppose the dress worn by Michelle Obama on election night was no exception. While many noted it for it's color and coordination even with her daughters, those of the fashion industry understand the wrap she wore underneath her sweater was of the "bondage" theme introduced by Vivienne Westwood. This theme of clothing took it's cue from the street or sex shops and turned it into everyday wear. Though Vivienne Westwood seems to have found an empty or dead end road along the path of anarchy and anti-establishment herself, the "bondage" line of clothing represents not only a form of fettish style but also an expression of anarchy.

Anarchy is defined by Merriam-Webster as "a: absence of government b: a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority c: a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government". While I don't quote Wiki-pedia often, it's definitions expand this further by adding "a state of lawlessness due to the absence or inefficiency of the supreme power; political disorder."[1] "A theoretical social state in which there is no governing person or body of persons, but each individual has absolute liberty (without the implication of disorder)."[2] "Absence or non-recognition of authority and order in any given sphere."[3] Without government or law A society free from coercive authority of any kind is the goal of proponents of the political philosophy of anarchism (anarchists)."

Given the fact that one of the central themes of Obama's campaign was "No more Bush" which on one level can be taken to mean less government reach and control; I suspect that one of the things beneficial for the future will be for the church to begin addressing issues related to:

1. Law - The Role of Law and the Result of Lawlessness;
2. Freedom - The Source of True Freedom and the Roads that Lead to Bondage
3. Sex - The Purity of the Marriage Bed and the Consequences of Immorality


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