Only God has the right to take a life
The above quote was from a family member of an executed murderer.
1. This position fails to recognise that God may use humans as instruments of his will and that he has authoritatively assigned civil authority the power of the sword(Romans 13:4).
2. This position fails to recognize the accounting God demands from each man for the life of his fellow man (Gen 9:5-6).
3. This position also fails to recognize other areas where either necessity or protection may call for a human taking the life of another such as in self defense (Ex 22:2-3; Lk 22:36) or providing protection for those under one's care (either personally or as one under authority and assigned to carry this out)(Judges 5:8; Ps 144:1; Lk 22:36; Neh 4:17-18).
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