“People are almost always pretending something, but these people had lost that need,'’ Mr. Schels told the paper. “I felt it enabled me as a photographer to get as close as it’s possible to get to the core of a person; when you’re facing the end, everything that’s not real is stripped away. You’re the most real you’ll ever be, more real than you’ve ever been before.”
Above quote from photographer who not only captured pictures of faces of willing participants before and after they died, but spent time interviewing them and getting to know them.
The opening to the original article says the following:
Nothing, it is said, teaches us more about living than dying. But if so, isn't it odd how little we face up to death? And isn't it odd that modern societies, which appear so keen to find meaning in the business of living, push death to the periphery, minimising our contact with it and sanitising its impact?
Interesting, isn't it?
For those intrigued by this subject, let me recommend: "Homeward Bound" by Dr. Ed Hartman
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