In a New York Times article discussing issues related to a "science" debate, one wise stated:
Seems men like Dawkins could learn from this when he tries to define the question of the existence of God as a "science" question.
Seems also that the place of science is coming more and more to the forefront, as those who believe science may be used as a tool to further their own thinking and agendas there's a propensity to want to redefine the place of science. While I don't disagree that science can sometimes lose it's proper place and need to be restored especially in it's realtion to politics, policy, etc., at the same time one should be especially leery when hearing of others who want to set science above all other things. Anytime one desires to set things out of their proper place, it's not good news and there's a reason for doing so which is not good.
Beleivers need to be alert, on their guard, and watchful concerning the place and role of science in our world. It should not surprise us to find those who look to "reason alone without a foundation in and an eye toward faith" and those who hold a secular view of the world to try to overthrow the natural places and relationships and replace them with their own.
Framing questions of economics, ethics and other aspects of policy as ‘science issues’ does no favor for either science or politics.
Seems men like Dawkins could learn from this when he tries to define the question of the existence of God as a "science" question.
Seems also that the place of science is coming more and more to the forefront, as those who believe science may be used as a tool to further their own thinking and agendas there's a propensity to want to redefine the place of science. While I don't disagree that science can sometimes lose it's proper place and need to be restored especially in it's realtion to politics, policy, etc., at the same time one should be especially leery when hearing of others who want to set science above all other things. Anytime one desires to set things out of their proper place, it's not good news and there's a reason for doing so which is not good.
Beleivers need to be alert, on their guard, and watchful concerning the place and role of science in our world. It should not surprise us to find those who look to "reason alone without a foundation in and an eye toward faith" and those who hold a secular view of the world to try to overthrow the natural places and relationships and replace them with their own.
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