NYTimes has an
article on Colorado being sacred ground for many followers. Reasons given in the article for this being sacred ground include things like "the twilight", "less distractions", "two dozen different religious centers", a "serene 210-acre Sacred Land Trust", "An abundance of arrowheads and spears found in the area", "There’s an epic quality to these crags that rise out of the plains ...", "Deserts, forests and mountains figure so prominently in humanity’s quests for the divine that Crestone’s geographic hat trick seems ideal for universal worship", etc.
All these are to confuse experiences with creation with the presence of the Creator. As the Scripture teaches, it's not the place or the circumstances that makes a certain ground holy, but rather the presence of God. Holy ground can be found even in a sweltering desert if the Lord is present. At the same time, the absence of the Lord can keep even the most beautiful places from being holy. The great significance of this is that it's true not just concerning physical locations but concerning our hearts and lives!
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