Mohamed Elmasry of the Canadian Islamic Congress in responding to the situation where a Muslim father killed his daughter for not wearing a Muslim head scarf excuses the action by stating "I don't want the public to think that this is really an Islamic issue or an immigrant issue...It is a teenager issue."
I trust that when it comes to the DEATH of an individual, even one's own daughter, for something of this nature, there has to be those of the Muslim heritage who question things not only taking place in the name of Islam but being justified by Islamic leaders, and even denying responsibility or relationship to their faith, perhaps even placing the blame for such a violent act on the deceased (who even they themselves say struggled with issues of dress common among teenagers, but must have deserved no forbearance or lenience.) Surely, such things must create dissonance in the lives of those in rising generations who have greater exposure to thought and examples outside of Islam.
The question is... will young and questioning "Muslims" act against their own conscience and not only continue but be a part of such blind and criminal behavior
and belief, or will they take steps not only to look beyond their religion to the truth but abandon the senseless and barbaric teachings and practices they have grown up with? I encourage them to not let such dissonance lie undealt with, but to allow these issues to lead them to the better way.
That being said, let me also point out that for the sake of the father, who himself, though his religion may affirm his righteousness must also have had his conscience pricked as he looked upon the lifeless body of his own daughter (perhaps his calling the hospital was a sign of this, but maybe not), that if forgiveness and a new righteousness is to be found, he too must look outside the Muslim faith that has led him astray, and find that redemption and peace in Christ the Lord, who will receive any sinner who looks to him and calls on his name for mercy.
This is a sad situation... but perhaps with God's grace and through the gospel... there might be a different ending.
I trust that when it comes to the DEATH of an individual, even one's own daughter, for something of this nature, there has to be those of the Muslim heritage who question things not only taking place in the name of Islam but being justified by Islamic leaders, and even denying responsibility or relationship to their faith, perhaps even placing the blame for such a violent act on the deceased (who even they themselves say struggled with issues of dress common among teenagers, but must have deserved no forbearance or lenience.) Surely, such things must create dissonance in the lives of those in rising generations who have greater exposure to thought and examples outside of Islam.
The question is... will young and questioning "Muslims" act against their own conscience and not only continue but be a part of such blind and criminal behavior
and belief, or will they take steps not only to look beyond their religion to the truth but abandon the senseless and barbaric teachings and practices they have grown up with? I encourage them to not let such dissonance lie undealt with, but to allow these issues to lead them to the better way.
That being said, let me also point out that for the sake of the father, who himself, though his religion may affirm his righteousness must also have had his conscience pricked as he looked upon the lifeless body of his own daughter (perhaps his calling the hospital was a sign of this, but maybe not), that if forgiveness and a new righteousness is to be found, he too must look outside the Muslim faith that has led him astray, and find that redemption and peace in Christ the Lord, who will receive any sinner who looks to him and calls on his name for mercy.
This is a sad situation... but perhaps with God's grace and through the gospel... there might be a different ending.
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