Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Interesting Article/Review: The Re-Enchantment of the World

"We live in a strange time, in which religious belief seems to be flourishing, church attendance is high, evangelical preachers are household names and traditionalist congregations are more populous than ever. And yet one has only to turn on the television, go to a movie theater, look at a newsstand or read about, say, sex- education courses in the public schools to feel that our society is almost militantly at odds with revealed religion and biblical teaching. Meanwhile, tracts on atheism ride the best-seller lists -- alongside books of soft spiritual uplift from mega-church pastors. What age are we living in, exactly?
A secular one..."

Here is the full article.

A very interesting assertion:

The Protestant Reformation plays the central role in Mr. Taylor's narrative. By denying the sacramental, by identifying all "magic" with "black magic," by giving rise to a "work ethic" that has deep links to commercialism, the Reformation helped to pave the way, much against its intentions, to the world of anti- religious humanism.

I may have to buy the book - but being a partaker of the fruit of the Protestant Reformation, I'd contrast between "magic", that is - man's attempt to control supernatural forces to the quite reasonable belief in supra-natural forces interacting to display the depravity of Man and the eternal Glory of God.

1 comment:

  1. 1. It does look like an interesting read.

    2. Regarding the statement "the Reformation helped to pave the way, much against its intentions, to the world of anti-religious humanism"...

    While there is a "work ethic" espoused by reformed principles, one must recognize it's either the failure to understand or fully embrace, or the abandonment of the principles of the Reformation that leads to the world of anti-religious humanism. The quote could be misconstrued as to suggest the Reformation is somehow responsible for humanism. (I believe the author is simply saying the emphasis on work ethic - brought about by the reformation, but adopted and embraced apart from (or by abandoning greater) Reformation principles has resulted in anti-religious humanism.
