How common it is now even among some Christians to hear people say "You know, people shouldn't pick on or condemn homosexuals, especially if they were born that way." It's clear that the homosexual agenda is having some effect and that their message is getting out to some degree, even if among the undiscerning.
But, has it ever occurred to you that some homosexuals are some of the greatest examples of "victim mentality" ever found?
Think about it ...
...when it comes to LIARS, do you ever hear anyone make the claim "I was born that way" in order to justify their actions and escape condemnation?
... when it comes to THIEVES, do you ever hear anyone make the claim "I was born that way" in order to justify their actions and escape condemnation?
... when it comes to MURDERERS, do you ever hear anyone make the claim "I was born that way" in order to justify their actions and escape condemnation?
... when it comes to ADULTERERS, do you ever hear anyone make the claim "I was born that way" in order to justify their actions and escape condemnation?
... the list could go on.
And while occasionally you might hear a person here or there make such a statement, no where do you find such a group of individuals coming together and presenting such an argument as grounds or basis for justifying immoral action.
Think about it, are not liars born with the capacity and even propensity to lie (given the commandment not to). Are not thieves born with the capacity and even propensity to steal (given the commandment, the right factors, opportunities, etc.); or is there a particular point where the individuals acquired a new nature which not only allows but leads to and condones such behavior? Is not the Scripture correct when it states that we are ALL born with a sinful nature. According to that nature we think all kinds of degenerate thoughts, we possess all kinds of degenerate feelings, and we commit all kinds of immoral and degenerate acts. But the question is, should we condone lieing just because someone was born with the propensity to lie? Should we condone theft because someone was born with the propensity to steal? If not, then should we condone homosexuality just because someone claims to have been born that way?
Does not the human nature and the fruits coming from it display all kinds of evil, unrighteousness, and worldly passion that we as humans must say "NO" to, and instead choose "to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age (Titus 2:11-15)
What's interesting about this situation, is the inconsistency found among homosexuals when on the one hand as victims they seek forbearance because of the way they were born, but on the other hand they are proud and stand upon their supposed rights to live and to do what they choose and uphold as right.
Suppose a serial killer (as some have done) said "I don't know where my passions and desires came from, I only know I had them, I must have been born and destined to have them"... would you not only excuse his/her behavior but then constitutionally or legislatively protect (or provide) his/her right to continue not only to participate in their behavior but promote it as righteousness and agressively pursue an agenda to attract and enlist others to join in their delinquency as well?
Think about these things the next time someone tells you "Homosexuality isn't something someone can help, they were born that way... therefore you must feel sorry for them and enable them."
I suggest on one level this is victimhood of the highest level, in that while others may blame temporal factors such as their birth place, or birth parents, or the place where they grew up, etc., this argument goes back to the core of one's very being (the worst kind of "fate" for non-creationists).
While the fact that one is born sinful does not mean that we should not love the individual (by respecting them, by educating them, and helping them not only see the unrighteousness of their ways, but also by pointing them to Christ, in whom is found the answer to all our sin and sinful behavior and practices.)
The question is: will you continue to buy the lie, and support the it's advance, or will you be wise to the truth, and work to promote it's advance?
What is really sad is, if you ask all of the above sinners, they are convinced that, deep down inside, they have a "good heart". It is there that our modern therapy gospel has failed our culture.