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Showing posts from August, 2010

Al Mohler on Michael Dowd's propaganda atheism

We are engaged in a great battle for ideas that Christians understand to be a battle for hearts, minds, and souls. Dowd and his fellow evangelists for evolution are certain that they own the future, and that biblical Christianity will simply fade and disappear. "Ours is a time of space telescopes, electron microscopes, supercomputers, and the worldwide web," he asserts. His conclusion: "This is not a time for parsing the lessons given to a few goatherds, tentmakers, and camel drivers." Well, give Michael Dowd credit for reminding us where the rejection of biblical Christianity inevitably leads. full article here -- Respectfully, JD Qui cantat, bis orat (to sing once is to pray twice!) - St Augustine

Al Mohler on Darwinian capitulation

"If your intention in  Saving Darwin  is to show "how to be a Christian and believe in evolution," what you have actually succeeded in doing is to show how much doctrine Christianity has to surrender in order to accommodate itself to evolution." Full article here -- Respectfully, JD Qui cantat, bis orat (to sing once is to pray twice!) - St Augustine

Dethroned - by my friend, LA Lamar

Dethrone King takes rook, HIS truth captures my lies The omniscient one has calculated my demise The moves I see are clear as day Nervously, anticipating the final blow to L.A... Staring into the marble at the reflection of a stranger Spider sense is tingling, in the presence of my danger Forever running hard to escape what awaits Stuck in a zugzwang of which my opponent mates Allowing King L.A. to reign was my first blunder His nature from my ideology of him I tried to sunder His depraved gambit & my ruination to accept Willfully foolish or worst inept Running out of time, I hear HIS clock’s cadence Absent of free will, or choice but providence My king lays prostrate, by the light of HIS brilliance On my face, I obtain a glimpse of the magnificence of HIS countenance Once my bête noire now my Sovereign Lord A released slave to myself for which I whored Now with HIS strength I stand erect, gripping my Sword A gracious, submissive piece on HIS side of the chessboard

An excellent secular argument against gay marriage...

To me, what is at stake in this debate is not only the potential unhappiness of children, grave as that is; it is our ability to maintain the most basic components of our humanity. I believe, in fact, that we are at an "Antigone moment." Some of our fellow citizens wish to impose a radically new understanding upon laws and institutions that are both very old and fundamental to our organization as individuals and as a society. As Antigone said to Creon, we are being asked to tamper with "unwritten and unfailing laws, not of now, nor of yesterday; they always live, and no one knows their origin in time." I suspect, moreover, that everyone knows this is the case, and that, paradoxically, this very awareness of just how much is at stake is what may have induced, in defenders of those same "unwritten and unfailing laws," a kind of paralysis. full article here