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Showing posts from February, 2008

21st Century Context: Good for Christianity

A friend of mine told me there's a saying in Egypt "a knife that's not used much soon becomes dull." The same can be said on one level concerning our faith. We're all familiar with the testimonies of Christians (particularly in other lands) whose faith has grown and become strengthened as a result of being challenged, tested, opposed and even persecuted. While some may suggest that the challenges in the west and particularly in America may result in the decline of Christianity, I submit the opposite is true when it comes not just to the numbers of those who may profess the faith, but to the strength and vitality of those who truly belong to the faith and to the overall well-being of the body itself which is called by God's name. Both challenges from without and those from within will serve to boost and strengthen the church in coming days. Not only will individuals and churches be forced to examine their foundations and distinctions, but division will com...

Basic Principle of Psalmic Worship

p1 - the elements and practices of worship are to be regulated ( 1 Corinthians 14:40 ) and the NT is superior to the OT Psalms in determining the regulation of worship practice for the NT church p2 - where the NT is silent regarding worship practice the OT Psalms stand as prescriptive - Colossians 3:16 c1 - The worship elements laid out in the Psalms are allowable for public worship unless abrogated by the NT.

The Power of Bitterness and Forgiveness

The lesson is that unforgiveness leads to this bitterness and then opens you up to the spirit of Satan, to the spirit of whatever, and when that occurs, it becomes a power that people cannot control,'' said Ronald Murray, a neurologist. Without forgiveness,'' Ronald Murray said, ''I don't think we could have moved on. Quotes by Ronald Murray, father of the young man who killed four people at a church and a missionary training center in Denver. Quotes provide a powerful confirmation of truths taught in Scripture. Quotes were taken from article entitled Parents Tell of Church Shooter's Anguish . May the Lord be with this family.

Science and the End of the World

Scientists Predict When World Will End Beautiful... From a scietific perspective, the only hope for humanity...celestial bumperpool! (Explains why recently there's been so much emphasis on finding another planet which can reasonably sustain human life..... but of course, if your only hope for humanity lies in this world, then you better search every nook and cranny! ... even though given your own lifetime, it won't do you any good!) Note: it's not that Christians are opposed to science and the study of the physical realm, but to suggest one knows when the earth will cease to exist is like assuming to know all that tomorrow brings. "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Mt 24:36)

5 Points of a Reformed Baptist Church

The Five Points of Reformed Baptist Churches I. REFORMATIONAL « Reformed Baptist Fellowship The Five Points of Reformed Baptist Churches II. CALVINISTIC « Reformed Baptist Fellowship The Five Points of Reformed Baptist Churches III. PURITAN « Reformed Baptist Fellowship The Five Points of Reformed Baptist Churches IV. COVENANTAL « Reformed Baptist Fellowship The Five Points of Reformed Baptist Churches V. BAPTIST « Reformed Baptist Fellowship

Art and Faith

Yet the exhibition’s overarching theme, the ability to switch fluidly from the scale of the atom to the scale of entire cities, may sound a death knell for the tired ideological divides of the last century, between modernity and history, technology and man, individual and collective. It should be required viewing for anyone who believes that our civilization is heading back toward the Dark Ages. The above quote is from an article in the NY Times about "Design and the Elastic Mind,” which is described as "an exhilarating new show opening on Sunday at the Museum of Modern Art." The quote communicates this year's theme which is different but still one in a line of themes which have characterized the art show over the years. As students of worldviews recognize, art often reflects the thinking, mindset, apsirations, hopes and even struggles of a particular age. It's not surprising that science and technology plays a predominant role in this year's show. Nor is ...

Religion Not to Blame! (At least not ... Ultimately)

Fuller, 69, who has lived for several years with his wife, Prue, in Squamish, where he plans to remain, also doesn't let off the hook those atheists who like to blame religion, whether Islam or Christianity, for inciting much of the planet's violence. He notes that the "principal horrors" of the 20th century "came almost exclusively from strictly secular regimes: Leopold II of Belgium in the Congo, Hitler, Mussolini, Lenin and Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. It was Europeans who visited their 'world wars' twice upon the rest of the world -- two devastating global conflicts with no remote parallels in Islamic history." The Middle East, without Islam, would still be challenged, Fuller says, by ethnic rivalries involving Turks, Kurds, Jews, Persians, Arabs and others -- all of whom remain involved in ongoing conflicts over power, territory, influence and trade. Interesting article entitled Don't blame Islam for terrorism, expert says Here's my take: 1...

Followup Response to Debate between Christopher Hitchens and Alister Mcgrath

In a previous post, I summarized Hitchen's Arguments with Christianity (in his debate with Alister McGrath ) in the following way. In his opening statement of the debate, Hitchens declares Christianity to be false, irrational, insulting, and harmful for the following reasons (my summary): 1. Christianity's establishment and strength has resulted and depends upon man's ignorance. 2. Christianity's doctrine of vicarious atonement and redemption is immoral and unethical 3. Christianity's rule is totalitarian and brings the greatest burden and shame on our species. 4. Christianity's ethics undermine man's basic integrity 5. Christianity's love is dictatorial (/compulsory) 6. Christianity's message (i.e., revelation of delay & method of God)is immoral. 7. Christianity's message (i.e., "man is blood, mud, etc., but God has a plan for you")is sadomasochism. Here, I will provide a quick response to his arguments. (Sorry, but time restraits...

Future Forays involving Muslim Domains

Patterns today among Muslim communities and groups are telling and can provide Christians insight into planning for more effective evangelism in the future among Muslims as well as planning for how to equip and build up saints so as to not be deceived or led astray by Muslims in the future. Though the warfare on the spiritual battlefield will be the same, tactics will need to adapt to the changing environment and conditions. It's clear that ... many places, the face of Islam is changing and will continue to undergo change so as to look different in the near future, particularly due to the effects of westernization and modernity. These changes are now being seen in places such as college campuses , European and American Muslim communities, the practice of Muslim leaders thoughout the world, etc. See For Muslim Students, a Debate on Inclusio n for insight into the types of changes in process. While others I'm sure are more seasoned and experienced and are already seeing t...

More Inconsistency in Islamic Law and Practice among Leadership

Note the following statements in this article : Owners of domestic animals are forbidden from taking them on the streets of the city because Islam considers dogs to be impure. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ...took possession of four guard dogs, bought in Germany for approximately $161,040 each.

Bart Ehrman, Questioning Religion on Why We Suffer (Initial Evalutaion)

Having just listened to NPR's Interview with Bart Ehrman on his New Book "Questioning Religion on Why We Suffer", I present the following observations/comments: 1. I question Ehrman's sincerity and truthfulness when he states he does not want to convert people to be agnostic as he is. (Perhaps it might be stated he desires people to question the God of the Bible, or the Bible, or Christianity, but otherwise...) Why write the book? 2. Despite Ehrman being a professor of religion (even a recognized one), I question his understanding of the very Scripture passages he bases his argument on. For example, his explanation of the book of Ecclesiastes misses the point when he suggests the writer of the book concludes that since everything is going to pass away the ultimate point is simply to eat, drink and be merry (as if perhaps from a secular humanist standpoint)... But note the author's own concludion (Song of Solomon 12:13) who writes "Let us hear the conclus...

Response to Debate between Richard Dawkins and Madeline Bunting

Debate is found here . Comments: 1. I can understand Atheists' frustrations when it comes to dealing with those who "profess Christianity but do not hold to doctrines such as virgin birth, miracles, etc.", ... but what should you expect when you debate one who is an "agnostic Catholic Buddhist" who claims to profess Christianity. While one can understand the frustration of Dawkins, Hitchens and others who often are confronted with those who profess Christianity but deny it's foundations; that does not excuse their (atheists')common perception and practice of first attributing the errors and/or inconsistencies of such individuals to the whole or to the rest of Christianity and then criticizing them for it particularly as if that is the norm. It would be no different that a Christian going to the infidels site and finding those who proclaimed to be atheists but "agnostic" or "pluralistic" in certain areas and then criticising athesis...

Warning concerning Difference between Biblical and Cultural Christianity

Walking down the hall of a hospital where my mother just had surgery, my thought reverted back to the statement of a man who said the doctors in this hospital were good. I thought to myself "They did what needed to be done for my mother.... or at least that's what they said they did. My mother didn't need someone to simply tell her (along with the rest of my family) what we wanted to hear, but not deal with her true physical condition and needs. As I thought about this, I was reminded that if this is true on a physical level, how much moreso on a spiritual level, and yet how many people today are content as Jesus said they would be to gather around them those preachers and companions who tickle their ears and tell them what they want to hear rather than deal with the true nature, condition and needs of their soul. How many are deceived by those who they consider "sincere" though they may be "sincerely wrong"? How many are satisfied to hear "feel...

The Manga Bible: From Genesis to Revelation

A Sunday School teacher last week applied Jesus' question to his disciples in Matthew 16 by asking "Who does OUR CULTURE say Jesus is?" Ajinbayo Akinsiku wants to renew culture's thinking on Jesus by presenting him as "a hard guy, seeking revolution and revolt, a tough guy”... a samurai stranger ... even one likened to Clint Eastwood. While one must ask first whether those who are unfamiliar with Jesus will possess the wisdom, ability, and discernment to distinguish the Jesus in Akinsiku's graphic novel from the Jesus found in Scripture... but beyond this, one must recognize that anytime one seeks to represent Jesus by something other than the way Jesus is presented in Scripture, one fails to present the real Jesus, and fashions a Jesus other that the true Jesus. For example, in portraying Jesus as a Clint Eastwood character, while it may present a picture of a more "active" Jesus who does more than just talking, it will certainly fail to present ...

Dawkins and the Extent One Will (or Must) Go to Defend Darwinism

In his article Why Darwin matters , Richard Dawkins states: "You can pare Darwin's big idea down to a single sentence (again, this is a modern way of putting it, not quite Darwin's): 'Given sufficient time, the non-random survival of hereditary entities (which occasionally miscopy) will generate complexity, diversity, beauty, and AN ILLUSION of design SO PERSUASIVE that it is ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO DISTINGUISH FROM DELIBERATE INTELLIGENT DESIGN.'" (CAPS, my emphasis)

50 Days of Jesus

My church is starting a small group study campaign focused around John Piper's "What Jesus Demands from the World" - I am blessed by what I have read thus far - I pray the Lord works in our groups to draw us closer to Him so that we may glorify Him more and more with our lives Free pdf version of the book here . Study guide More to come!

Creationists seek foothold in Europe

White, 63, said he was raised as an atheist, and after earning a doctorate in chemistry, embraced evangelical Christianity in 1964. He says that when he is asked to speak to science classes, he challenges the accuracy of radioactive dating which shows the world to be thousands of millions of years old and says that the Bible is a more accurate description of how mankind began. He personally believes the Earth is between 6,000 and 12,000 years old. "Usually I find the discussion goes on science, science, and science and then when the lesson is finished one or two students say, 'Can we talk about other things?' and I sit down with them and usually they want to talk about Christianity," he said. "They want to know, why do you believe in God? Why do you believe in the Bible? How can you be sure it's the word of God?" Interesting article

Skeptical of “The Third Jesus”

"...unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins." (John 8:24) A new "spiritual" book called “ The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore ”, written by new age mystic Deepak Chopra, is set to be released on February 19. According to the book description, the purpose of The Third Jesus is to provide “a challenge to current systems of belief and a fresh perspective on what Jesus can teach us all, regardless of our religious background.” In short, this novel is just another false revelation of the modern religion of pluralism. ...... This fact is further exemplified in the description of the third Jesus in contrast to the first two. “First, there is the historical Jesus, the man who lived more than two thousand years ago and whose teachings are the foundation of Christian theology and thought. Next there is Jesus the Son of God, who has come to embody an institutional religion with specific dogma, a priesthood, and devout believers. And finally, ther...


In a New York Times article discussing issues related to a "science" debate, one wise stated: Framing questions of economics, ethics and other aspects of policy as ‘science issues’ does no favor for either science or politics. Seems men like Dawkins could learn from this when he tries to define the question of the existence of God as a "science" question. Seems also that the place of science is coming more and more to the forefront, as those who believe science may be used as a tool to further their own thinking and agendas there's a propensity to want to redefine the place of science. While I don't disagree that science can sometimes lose it's proper place and need to be restored especially in it's realtion to politics, policy, etc., at the same time one should be especially leery when hearing of others who want to set science above all other things. Anytime one desires to set things out of their proper place, it's not good news and there'...

Buddhists Stuck in a Quandry

Because some lost souls did not lead good lives, the nuns explained, they are agonizingly stuck between this life and the next. So each night, at precisely 8:30, the nuns take turns striking a large gong with a wooden mallet and reciting a “hell-breaking mantra” to release them from their pain. These words found here refer to the practice Buddhist nuns who are doing things in an attempt to help others become free from their predicament and move on toward nirvana. However, would you not agree that this very practice flies in the face of (/is inconsistent with) the words of Buddha who on his own deathbed in instructing a young monk said "So, Ananda, you must be your OWN lamps, be your OWN refuges. Take refuge in NOTHING OUTSIDE YOURSELVES. Hold firm to the truth as a lamp and a refuge, and do not look for refuge to ANYTHING BESIDES YOURSELVES. A monk becomes his OWN lamp and refuge by continually looking on his body, feelings, perceptions, moods, and ideas ... Whoever among m...

The Organization of Atheists

More and more we see Atheists seeking to come together to actively strategize and plan how to advance their cause and beliefs in the world. Two questions this raises is: What type of unity will this produce and what will be it's effect. The answer to the first is illustrated in the videos of the four horsemen. Here leading atheists sit around a table and discuss various issues related to their treatment and cause. What's interesting is that while there may be common thinking (and even common laughter)as they sat around the table pondering and discussing how their interests might better be served, there was certainly not a "unity" or close bond between them like what you find among Christian servants, but is this not what we should expect, since besides their cognitive pursuits and positions the only relation they believe to exist between one another is that of the simultaneous co-existance of evolved forms. As far as what it's effect will be eventual tribulati...

Dawkins on the God Delusion

Richard Dawkins comments on the God Delusion here . Comments: 1. The question of primacy - There's a huge difference between saying the existence of God (being the greater issue) has significant implication in the area of science (along with others area) or that science is a field where the existence of God can be looked at ... and stating the existence of God is a scientific question. Dawkin's statement falsely presupposes the supremacy of science over God whereby it denies the definition of God. Rather than getting the cart before the horse, Dawkins errs in setting the physical over the spiritual. 2. The question of justification - Dawkins continues to suggest that God's law has been given such that men may "try to please God" by obedience to his law. Here, Dawkins, while he seeks to set himself as an expert on the very Scripture he sets out to deny, shows his lack biblical and spiritual understanding resulting from both his ignorance of the Christian faith...

Evolutionists on Human Dignity (Run Toddlers Run!)

Consider the following quote Evolutionists argue that the fetus has not fully evolved into a baby, and thus has no need or right to life because it is not fully human . Now compare it with the next quote In his view, toddlers are not just small people. In fact, for all practical purposes, they’re not even small Homo sapiens . Can anyone tell me what they have in common? The second quote is found here and comes from one who believes evolution is the key to understanding and communicating with toddlers . ...... It's a slippery slope when one departs from the biblical understanding of humanity and begins to redefine segments of society (young, old, mentally challenged, other races, etc.) as other than human...but that's where evolution and the pride of the flesh take some. Distinctions in the way humanity is defined not only provides a reason why God and the way of his truth should be embraced, but provides a real concern and reason why evolution must be opposed. ......

Scripture has been Tainted (or is Corrupt) Argument

Isn't it interesting the number of religions which at the same time claim the Scriptures are tainted or corrupt in some form BUT then go on to suggest they (in some form... which is often clouded) hold to the Scriptures (in addition to their other "holy" books). When confronted with this, one should immediately recognize the issue at hand. Those who seek to "add to" or "take from" the Scripture must in some way try to discredit portions of Scripture which stand in stark contrast to their deviations, or otherwise prove inconsistent. Because of the exclusivity of Christ, of the Gospel, and of the truth, one cannot "add to" or "take from" them without departing from, changing, or opposing them. These actions should not be taken lightly by those who commit them. The warning of Scripture sounds loud and clear: "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him ...

Comment Concerning Mormon Church President Gordon B. Hinckley

Fox News reports that 9 year old Josh Rich in paying his last respects to Hinckley (a man he revered as a prophet) had a hand-drawing of Heaven with a message he had written at the top that said "You passed the text. Welcome home." While the boy's sincerity and intention are commendable, one must question the truth and legitimacy of his message (which he probably has picked up from the Mormon faith). Compage his statement and that of Scripture: "You passed the test. Welcome home." "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom 3:23) The point being that Scripture attests to the fact that NO human being (Hinckley or ANY other) has or can meet the standard of God's righteous requirements on their own. That's why there is a need for a Savior who can meet the requirements of God for us. God has sent such a Savior in Jesus. We read in Scripture "But now a righteousness from God, apart form law, has been made known... This ri...

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