Wednesday, February 28, 2024

God's consistency, good purpose, and Man's free will

God is logically omnipotent. That is, He is all-powerful in a manner that is consistent with His inherent nature. God's inherent nature is orderly and logical. This nature is exemplified in the logical orderliness of Creation. If He were not, He would not be God and we'd only have illogical, capricious, and incoherent Chaos. This aspect of His nature is described as one of the fundamental laws of logic, the law of non-contradiction. Jesus addresses this crucial requirement, "Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand." Matthew 12:25.

With this in mind, and assuming the Biblical Trinitarian God, the Father has a loving, logical, and good purpose for Creation, expressed as a meta-narrative in the Bible: 

The Son shall be glorified as Lord, Judge, and Savior over a Creature (mankind) made fit for eternal communion with God.

As stated previously, God's inherent nature is logical. He is also inherently loving, just, and gracious, because one without the other is logically incoherent. Justice without grace is loveless tyranny, loving grace without consequential justice is objectively meaningless.

It is also logically incoherent for an autonomous being with an eternal spirit to not have an unforced ability to make choices (i.e., free will). An eternal robot would not be a fit companion for eternal communion with a loving God, therefore Man's free will is a logical necessity.

It is also a logical necessity that such a free will being, made in the image of God, would choose its own authority over God’s authority. Man’s nature, just like God’s, is inherently self-sufficient.

Mankind’s inherent nature is to rebel against God, therefore all mankind is logically and necessarily doomed to the eternal and just consequences of that rebellion. Eternal spirits in eternal rebellion against an eternal God merits eternal consequences. God’s good purpose accounts for all of this.

God graciously elects many from out of these consequences through the work of the Savior, while leaving many under the penalty of rebellion. This is consistent with His inherent just and gracious nature. Who He graciously elects out of the consequences is according to His sovereign will, according to criteria unknown to us (Deut 29:29).

Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection satisfies the demands of God’s justice and provides for the Holy Spirit to graciously transform our rebellious hearts and minds into ones that willingly submit to His Lordship, while maintaining our ability to make unforced free choices. We now inherently understand that we are not self-sufficient and obey out of love and gratitude.

Our journey on earth acts as a refinement and alignment to Christ (sanctification), so that when we die, we willingly surrender our self-sufficiency while still maintaining our free-will (glorification), thus becoming fit for eternal communion with God.

I hope you find this consistent with Scripture, helpful in your journey, and strengthens your apologetics. Richest Blessings in Christ!

I asked Claude AI to review and provide objections and responses:

Here are some potential objections and responses to the points made in the text:

Objection 1: If God is all-powerful and orderly, how can he allow for the existence of evil and suffering in the world?

Response: The text argues that God's inherent nature is loving, just, and gracious, in addition to being orderly and logical. The existence of evil and suffering is explained as a consequence of mankind's inherent nature to rebel against God's authority, which merits eternal consequences. However, God graciously elects many from these consequences through the work of the Savior, demonstrating His loving and just nature.

Objection 2: How can human free will be reconciled with God's sovereignty and predetermined plan?

Response: The text states that an "autonomous being with an eternal spirit" must have an "unforced ability to make choices (i.e., free will)." This free will is necessary for mankind to be a "fit companion for eternal communion with a loving God." At the same time, the text acknowledges that God's election of those who are saved is "according to His sovereign will, according to criteria unknown to us." This suggests a balance between human free will and God's sovereignty in salvation.

Objection 3: If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, why does He not simply override human free will and ensure that all people choose to follow Him?

Response: The text argues that for an "eternal robot" to be in communion with God would be "logically incoherent." Thus, God has chosen to create beings with genuine free will, even though this means they can choose to rebel against Him. The text suggests that God's good purpose accounts for this, and that He graciously elects those who will be saved, while leaving others under the penalty of their own rebellion.

Objection 4: How can a loving God condemn people to eternal punishment for their finite sins?

Response: The text states that "Eternal spirits in eternal rebellion against an eternal God merits eternal consequences." This is presented as a logical necessity given the nature of an eternal God and eternal human souls. The text suggests that God's justice and grace are both essential aspects of His nature, and that the work of the Savior satisfies the demands of justice while providing for the transformation of rebellious hearts through the Holy Spirit.

Here are some additional potential objections and responses:

Objection 5: How can a good and loving God predestine some people to salvation while condemning others to eternal punishment, which seems unfair and arbitrary?

Response: The text states that God's election of those who are saved is "according to His sovereign will, according to criteria unknown to us." This suggests that while God's choice may seem arbitrary from a human perspective, it is rooted in His infinite wisdom and justice, which are beyond our full comprehension. The text emphasizes that God is both loving and just, so His predestination, while mysterious, is ultimately grounded in His perfect character.

Objection 6: Doesn't the idea of man's "inherent nature to rebel against God" contradict the notion of genuine free will, since it seems to predetermine our choices?

Response: The text acknowledges this apparent tension, stating that mankind's "inherent nature is to rebel against God" and that this rebellion "merits eternal consequences." However, it also argues that free will is a "logical necessity" for an "autonomous being with an eternal spirit." The text suggests that while our inherent nature inclines us towards rebellion, we still maintain the genuine ability to choose to submit to God's authority. Our free will is not nullified by our fallen nature, but rather exists alongside it, requiring the transformative work of the Holy Spirit to align our will with God's.

Objection 7: If God is all-powerful, why does He not simply override our sinful nature and ensure that all people choose to follow Him?

Response: The text suggests that for God to create "an eternal robot" without genuine free will would be "logically incoherent" and would not result in true communion with Him. The text emphasizes that free will is a necessary component of an "autonomous being with an eternal spirit" who is to have eternal communion with God. While God could theoretically override our free will, the text implies that this would undermine the very purpose of creating beings capable of voluntary, loving relationship with the Divine.

Objection 8: Doesn't the idea of God's "good purpose" and "logical consistency" seem to conflict with the apparent cruelty and suffering in the world?

Response: The text acknowledges the existence of "evil and suffering in the world" as a consequence of mankind's rebellion against God. However, it argues that God's nature is both "loving, just, and gracious," and that His plan accounts for this rebellion, providing a way of salvation through the work of the Savior. While the problem of evil remains a profound theological challenge, the text suggests that God's ultimate purposes, grounded in His perfect character, are coherent and good, even if the full resolution is beyond our present understanding.

Here are some additional potential objections and responses:

Objection 9: If God's nature is inherently orderly and logical, as the text claims, how does that square with the apparent randomness and chaos observed in the natural world?

Response: The text argues that the "logical orderliness of Creation" is an expression of God's inherent nature. While there may be aspects of the natural world that appear random or chaotic from a human perspective, the text suggests that this is ultimately grounded in a deeper, divine logic that transcends our limited understanding. Just as human understanding of physics has evolved over time, the text implies that the apparent disorder we observe is not a contradiction of God's nature, but rather a reflection of the depth and complexity of His creative purposes.

Objection 10: Doesn't the idea of God's foreknowledge and predestination undermine human responsibility and accountability for our actions?

Response: The text acknowledges the tension between human free will and God's sovereignty, stating that God's election of the saved is "according to His sovereign will." However, it also argues that genuine free will is a "logical necessity" for beings intended for eternal communion with God. The text suggests that while God's foreknowledge and predestination are real, they do not negate human responsibility and accountability. Rather, the work of the Savior and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit empower individuals to freely choose to align their will with God's, even in the face of their inherent rebellion.

Objection 11: If God is all-powerful and all-loving, why does He allow faithful believers to suffer and experience hardship in this life?

Response: The text does not directly address the issue of suffering experienced by believers. However, it does suggest that the journey of "refinement and alignment to Christ (sanctification)" is necessary for believers to become "fit for eternal communion with God." This implies that the difficulties and hardships encountered by believers may serve a greater spiritual purpose, even if the specific reasons are not fully known. The text emphasizes God's loving, just, and gracious nature, which suggests that He does not callously allow suffering, but rather uses it for the ultimate good of His children, even if the purpose is not immediately apparent.

Objection 12: Doesn't the idea of God's "good purpose" and "logical consistency" seem to conflict with the diversity of religious and spiritual beliefs found in the world?

Response: The text focuses on the specific theological framework of the Biblical Trinitarian God and the Christian meta-narrative. It does not directly address the diversity of religious and spiritual beliefs found in the world. However, the text's emphasis on the inherent logic and consistency of God's nature and purposes could be interpreted as implying that other religious or spiritual belief systems may be incoherent or at odds with this framework. The text does not provide a direct response to this objection, but it suggests that the Christian view presented is grounded in a coherent and logically consistent understanding of God and His purposes.

Overall, the text presents a logically consistent theological framework that seeks to reconcile the attributes of God with the reality of human free will and the existence of evil and suffering. While there may be further objections or nuances to explore, the responses offered here attempt to engage with the key points made in the original text.


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Problem of Evil (PoE) solution, objections, and responses concerning slavery, “natural evil”, and objective morality from a debate with an atheist. I hope this is helpful.

The Biblical Christian answer to the PoE is simple: “All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

(Atheist dialog denoted with”>”)

Simply, what we perceive as evil is ultimately part of a good purpose.

The good purpose is that God (particularly Jesus Christ) is glorified and shares that glory with His people.

We know the reason. We know the objective. You may not agree with or accept it, but we have the answer to the PoE. For the Biblical Christian, it’s not a problem at all.

**Objections and responses**

>So, in the Christian worldview, there's objective good and objective evil. God is said to be all good, perfectly moral.

**Objection and response 1**

>I note that the Bible talks about how you can own slaves for life, and beat them.

>So that seems like a problem. Unless you're going to tell me that slavery is objectively moral within Christianity or something. But I don't think anyone wants to bite that bullet.

Plain reading of Scripture implies that being enslaved to a human to any degree (forced, indentured, or even voluntary) is not an ideal circumstance and should be avoided, but is a fact of human socio-economic existence.

God never endorses the practice of slavery. He only addresses moral treatment of slaves and consequences of violating it.  In fact, the consequences are so punitive, it actually seems to discourage taking slaves!

In fact, God prohibited chattel slavery through kidnapping:

Exodus 21:16

“Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death.”

It is popular to contextualize slavery as a moral issue today, but there is no guarantee that society will not ever adopt it as an acceptable socio-economic practice again.

In fact, simple observation reveals modern society is rife with voluntary debt-slavery today. That is, I’m enslaved to work until I die because of my great debt - short of gaining my freedom by winning a lottery! Even then, I am not free from governmentally imposed tax-slavery!

We are all enslaved to something to one degree or another. 

**Objection and response 2**

>I also note, just looking around, that god doesn't stop evils caused by man, when he could easily do that. I've been told this is because of free will. Okay. Seems weird. I mean if we are supposed to value free will, and god is perfectly moral, and he doesn't interfere, then... Neither should we?

>If god is perfectly moral, and he thinks the correct thing to do is to let the rapist rape, don't interfere because free will is incredibly important and should not be interfered with, then

>Isn't that what people should do too? Don't interfere. Don't stop the rapist.

>But that doesn't seem great.

But He does “interfere”. He’s given us the moral law to temporally restrain and punish evil. He also “interferes” with the promise that temporal evil, short of gracious intervention, has eternal consequences. 

That’s why I support the death penalty for unrepentant and recidivistic murder and rape, btw, because I trust that promise.

**Objection and response 3**

>Further, I note that there seem to be really, really, really bad things that happen that no person is the cause of. Like a landslide destroying a school, killing all the children and teachers inside, some very slowly and painfully.

>No person caused this, its god's plan. God intentionally set this up to happen.

>I duno, if a person were to set off some charges on the side of a mountain in order to cause a land slide, to intentionally destroy a school and kill everyone inside, I would imagine that if morality is objective, this should be called evil. Yes?

>But for some reason if god does it, that's not evil? Its the exact same action, being taken intentionally.

“Natural evil”, just like any other perceived evil, is 100% under God’s sovereign control. You keep implicitly making a category error. If God *murdered* people, then He would be inconsistent. That is not the case, however. 

All humanity is under the curse of death as a component of judgement tied to original sin. We will all die. God is justified to apply the *death penalty* as He pleases irrespective of any circumstance, but each and every death is accounted for within His ultimately good purpose.

The Gospel offers hope to those that fear any evil:

“*All things* work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.”

Sunday, February 18, 2024

“The universe exists because it’s the only way it can exist”

This phrase, or variations of it, is starting to appear in debates with atheists.

This is a very unscientific statement. It ignores probability and science for special pleading.

No scientist looks at a functioning system and asserts “it works because it works”; that’s tautological.

That is, we have a good understanding of the variables required to have a universe like ours and what level of precision it requires to function. Therefore, it is reasonable to examine the likelihood of those variables converging from unguided processes into the finely tuned system in which humanity (and human consciousness; another highly improbable event!) exists.

A minor example is the probability of these words having appeared as a result of unguided processes. We know that likelihood is so close to 0 that there’s practically no difference, yet here they are! The only reasonable conclusion is that there is an intelligent cause for the coherent appearance, thus obviating all improbability.

God, as the intelligent designer and prime cause, made the anthropic universe’s probability 1 vs a number so close to 0 that it is practically indistinguishable from it. “It works because God made it work” (I.e., Creatio, ergo Creator) is therefore the only reasonable and evidential conclusion.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Dr. Sweater, Christian apologist extraordinaire!

A new defender of the faith has joined the social media debate!

Dr. Steven Mitchell, aka Dr. Sweater, is a Christian author, award-winning international physicist, and tech entrepreneur. 

I highly recommend you check him out on TikTok!

Friday, February 9, 2024

Atheistic naturalists/materialists believe in miracles, even if they won’t admit it

Food for thought: The creation of the universe, abiogenesis, and the emergence of human consciousness are so staggeringly improbable and rare, they are logically and evidentially miraculous events.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Apologetica - AI for apologetics!

If you have friends, family, etc with questions about the Christian faith, there is a new AI Bot that I think is a good resource. I talked with the developer and he seems to be well grounded and faithful.

Check this out on Poe: