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Showing posts from 2007

Read the Bible in 90 Days or 1 Year - handy tool :)

Updated 7-23-2008: I have adapted the sheet for a 90 day or 1 year read through by quarter. Click here for the full sheet with links columns. Updated: I stalled out, but am committed to finish it up! Here is my tracking sheet on GoogleDocs - adapted from here : Here is the discussion thread on Puritanboard . One of the team members developed an iCal version that can be imported into Google Calendar:

Santa vs. Christ - Reasons to Believe

Here is a "re-post" from my home blog - I repeat it around this time every year - Blessings! This was the Original Post (OP) in a thread on the Internet Infidels Atheist discussion forum - I thought this was worth capturing. Rational reasons to believe in Christianity by BadBadBad I was hoping that in this thread we could capture any rational reasons for believing in the Christian religion. Angela2 prompted this thread. She criticized athiests for "espousing atheism" for emotional reasons. I corrected her that for me anyway it's not promoting atheism, but criticizing religion. I do that for emotional and rational reasons. Yet I have yet to hear a single rational reason for believing in Christianity. So, hopefully we'll be able to sort through the best ones here and sort out emotion from rationality. Let's have the rational reasons for believing the Christian story as presented in the Bible. I replied that experience was one reason. The poster replied th...

The New Atheism examined by the Free Church of Scotland's "The Monthly Record"

The whole publication available here. As a former Anglican cleric whose faith was gradually whittled away by form-criticism, the philosophy of David Hume and the apparent success of science in explaining everything without reference to a Creator, and as one who spent nearly twenty years as an atheist including a brief spell as President of the National Secular Society, I was forced to re-examine the basis of my atheism, not least by the strident and increasingly unreasonable pronouncements of Richard Dawkins in his three most recent books.... A long correspondence with Tom Wright, the Anglican Bishop of Durham, led me also to reconsider the historical basis of Christian claims, in particular the resurrection of Jesus. And philosophers like the atheist John Earman, the Jesuit Thomas Spitzer, and Reformed Christians like JP Moreland, William Lane Craig and Paul Copan helped me break the power that Hume had exercised over my thinking for far too long. With the blinkers of unbelief thus re...

The Bible and Commonalities to Mythological "Stories"

Reading this thread over on the PuritanBoard : What would you say to a person who claims that many stories in the bible are just particular versions of "generic myths" that turn up in mythology or legend all over the Mediterranean? ... There are other examples from Roman lore, such as the story of the false king of Latium who tried to kill Romulus and Remus, the true heirs to the throne (Herod and Jesus). They were put in a basket and sent down the river Tiber to die but eventually found in the reeds (Moses) by a shepherd. How should I respond to someone who uses such stories to discredit the bible? Which elicited this excellent response from the Rev. Bruce G. Buchanan: You could start by asking the person positing the "objection" to formulate his objection precisely, so that it can be analyzed. For instance, is the objector willing to say, "Ancient Lit. is full of similar sounding stories; stories that are similar (in one respect? two?) are obviously fictitio...

Archbishop of Canterbury's Comments on Nativity

No one denies differences in some of the details between what has come to be known and recognized as the modern nativity and what actually occurred in Bethelem at the time of Christ's birth. Not only is it common in art for various elements of a certain story or occurance to be brought together but it's also not uncommon for some details to be added or distorted over time and tradition. However, that does not deny either the existence, reality or events of the actual occurance. For example, while some may think of three wise men, the Bible no where suggests that the number was three, but rather says that three gifts were presented (gold, frankincense, and myrrh). While in the current nativity, the number of wise men is often represented as three, that does not deny the presence of those who came from the east to visit the Christchild. Similar points can be made concerning all the rest of the details the media is perhaps trying to hype. It would be like suggesting that just...

Islam's New Challenge

Muslims now face a significant challenge which has become obvious to all ... a struggle that's being publicized worldwide on the "smiling faces" of Islamic women who violate the teachings of Sharia law in wearing western style dress, and a struggle that reveals significant division within the camp as a leader known worldwide such as Ghadaffi has chosen (as it has fit his needs) to flaunt such opposition publicly . The challenge, while on one level dealing more with secular and cultural issues such as whether it's okay to wear lipstick, make-up, to dress in western clothing, etc., actually strikes at the root of religion, the standards of righteousness(and how one obtains righeousness), as well as the claims and necessities of following Islamic law. The challenge is going to be exacerbated with time as more and more Muslims are exposed not only to the freedoms and free thinking in the west, but also to the sins and abuses of many in the west, for not only will there be...

Art, Faith, and the Gospel

I recently viewed the exhibition entitled "God and Man: Angels in Italian Art" at the Mississippi Museum of Art. Of interest was a bronze sculpture entitled "Single Winged Angel" by Sandro Chia featuring a single winged angel looking toward the heavens. There have been two explanations given for the sculpture. First, at the museum, the audio tape given to viewers described the artwork as an representing the quest and longing of man to hear and know if God exists. It was described as a single winged angel demonstrating it could not fly, with it's feet firmly planted on the ground, looking up as if it were waiting and continuing to wait, not receiving an answer but perhaps asking the question "God, if you are really there, can we know you and how can we be sure?" And it continues to wait as if waiting for an answer, all the while holding out what's most precious to him, his own heart. What made this more striking was the explanation that artwork...

Evolutionist "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy

In an article at OneNewsNow, in a post entitled "Lawsuit argues expert biologist fired for refusing to believe in evolution", it's stated that "The Christian Law Association will be defending a biologist who it claims was fired from a prestigious institution because he believed in creation." Of interest in the article is the following: "And what the scientific community seems to be saying to creationists or [those who hold to] intelligent design is if you're going to hold that belief, keep it in the closet -- hide it," says Gibbs. "[They are saying] if you let someone know that you hold that belief, we will indeed, in this case, shun you, terminate you, punish you for having that religious belief." In the evolutionist world, it's not immorality but truth and independent thinking that's legislated against.

Science and the Ultimate Hope

We live in a unique time and yet simultaneously at a time that's not so unique. I'm grateful for the Web and for science and for the deeper and more informed levels of exposure and communication man is able to have now. Yet, as I stop and reflect on where all this has taken us, it's clear that while the advancements that have been made by humanity are great, and the matters that we now consider are greater than in times past; we find the ultimate questions, the ultimate concerns, the ultimate issues, the ultimate problems, and the ultimate sources man can look to for hope and rest have not changed. Consider that in centuries past, while man's struggles may have been to put food on the table and whether it was going to rain or not, or what a war or a nuclear weapon might do,etc. (through which man came to understand his weakness and vulnerability), though we now know of things like the " death star galaxy " and discuss issues like global warming (and what a ...

Science and the Search for Answers Apart from God (Vanity of Vanities)

Qoheleth once said of God "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end ." (Eccl 3:11) Dennis Overbye's article Laws of Nature, Source Unknown has generated a great deal of interest and comment. It's interesting that with all the knowledge, experience and science of men, man - while he recognizes law and order in the universe, has not been and is not able to discover the source of law. Not surprising that man finds himself not only with circular reasoning but in a circular bind in trying to explain law apart from God. (law from no law... but that's still a law; laws emerging "higgledy-piggledy" from primordial chaos... so that scientists should be looking "not so much for the ultimate law as for the ultimate program" ... but where did the program come from and who's the programmer, etc.) But at the same time, isn't the ackno...

Atheist God Judged and Usurped by Another Atheist God

Fox News reports an email of a teenage member of the Church of Satan was turned over to the FBI by one of the church's leaders because the teenager wrote in the email he intended "to kill his grandparents and steal their money and car"... and that he had access to an arsenal of weapons and wanted to "kill in the name of our unholy lord Satan." Whether the teenager's present claim now that "it was a joke" is true or not I'm not sure, but what I find interesting are the statements found at the end of the article - "Gilmore said members of his group are atheists who believe Satan is a symbol of freedom, not evil. "To the Satanist, he is his own God," reads a statement on the group's Web site from Gilmore." Question: If each Satanist (in their account "Atheist") is his own God, then why did one of them have his desire (/will/power/rights/etc.) stripped by another one? [i.e., the God who led the church prevented the...

The New Digi-Religion - Skeptical of World of Warcraft and Second Life

Well, unless you have been living under a virtual log, you have heard of the "World of Warcraft (commonly known as WoW ) - a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG)" as well as the phenomenon known as Second Life ( abbreviated as SL ), an Internet -based virtual world . As I have observed the emergence of these massive virtual worlds, I am increasingly struck by the fact that these "games" are becoming, or have become, substitutions. Substitutions for genuine human interaction in the form of "fantasy". Substitutions for dealing with reality in a way that removes true societal regulation. Substitutions that, for many, have taken the place of religion. I will admit to a certain allure to join into these worlds, but the nature of WOW, with its dark nature and D&D origins and SL with its own problems , make me step back and consider these "worlds" from a Christian Skeptic perspective. At best, these "worlds" distrac...

Christian Civilization is the Only Civilization...

– In a Sense, Of Course By Michael H. Warren, Jr. Interesting essay... Interesting worldview charts:

Servants of Allah

Interesting comments by one of two Muslims who pled guilty to waging war against the U.S.: "This incident is the first in a series of incidents to come in a plight to defend and propagate traditional Islam in its purity ... We are not extremists, radicals or terrorists. We are only servants of Allah."

Muslim Blame and Hope (Canadian Muslim Teen Murdered by Dad for Not Wearing Head Scarf)

Mohamed Elmasry of the Canadian Islamic Congress in responding to the situation where a Muslim father killed his daughter for not wearing a Muslim head scarf excuses the action by stating "I don't want the public to think that this is really an Islamic issue or an immigrant issue...It is a teenager issue." I trust that when it comes to the DEATH of an individual, even one's own daughter, for something of this nature, there has to be those of the Muslim heritage who question things not only taking place in the name of Islam but being justified by Islamic leaders, and even denying responsibility or relationship to their faith, perhaps even placing the blame for such a violent act on the deceased (who even they themselves say struggled with issues of dress common among teenagers, but must have deserved no forbearance or lenience.) Surely, such things must create dissonance in the lives of those in rising generations who have greater exposure to thought and examples outs...

Excellent resources - learn the basics and what matters

Serving the Truth: The Pastor’s Privilege - Sinclair Ferguson 2003 Desiring God Conference for Pastors Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know Church History In Plain Language I just found this - Church History: An Essential Guide - it references Plain Language and is by one of my favorite authors, Justo Gonzales, so I will be purchasing it soon.

Commonality between The Colorado Shooting and the New Atheism

The shooter in Colorado explained his actions on a website prior to the shooting by stating "You Christians brought this on yourselves...all I want to do is kill and injure as many of you... as possible and "especially Christians who are to blame for most of the problems of the world ." I wonder if the reason he gave was limited primarily to his rejection by the school as a student, or if not, then WHERE DID HE GET HIS HEAD FILLED WITH SUCH THINKING, and is there any responsibility there? Secularists hoping to bring hate crimes/speech legislation need to understand it's not just Christians', but their OWN actions and speech which would come under the scrutiny and consideration of these laws as well. And who is preaching these type messages the most... but Hitchens, Dawkins, Dennett and the rest of their new militant atheistic cohorts. (Note: Some may suggest the shooter was a Christian, but he by his own words seems to distinguish himself from Christians ...

The Web - Revealing Interest in Matters Related to God and Christianity Across the World

Plundering the Egyptians

Ayaan Hirsi Ali showed great insight when responding to a question as to how to get others who struggle with false systems of belief to come out and leave those false systems said that in the same way she stuggled with the dissonance caused by the difference in what she felt and believed in her own heart and mind with what she witnessed with the false system of belief around her... she suggests: THE BEST MEANS of challenging and empowering people to examine their own position, beliefs and practices (along with their contentment vs. discontentment to remain or change their profession/position) is to CREATE AS MUCH DISSONANCE AS POSSIBLE for that person..." (my paraphrase) I submit to you THIS IS TRUE not only for those who want to convert people from false faiths to atheism, but to convert people from false faiths (including Atheism) to TRUE FAITH (Christianity)! DO IT!!! (Look for EVERY possibility. Take EVERY opportunity!) Ali's thoughts are not original here. The wis...

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and the Shortcomings of Mere Intellectualism and Atheism

Ayaan Hirsi Ali spoke at AAI 07 . She is clearly one of the brightest and more eloquent speakers today among those who espouse living according to "reason rather than faith." At the same time, it's apparent that while her personal journey and experiences have resulted in her present thinking and positions with unique perspective, even with her bright intellectuallism and sharp mind along with her keen ability to communicate, her positions and expressions GO NO FURTHER THAN OTHERS (with less ability and charm) in providing the basis or foundation for setting reason over faith and living according to that framework. No matter how great the intellectualism, it cannot support and defend the very reason it seeks to stand upon! Here are questions that remain with Ali's statements (the same questions that cannot be answered by others): 1. Ali states "Without divine intervention, man is able to do good for his neighbor." Question: What is good? Who determines...

Oprah and Evolution

Oprah, in speaking on behalf of a political candidate, made the statement "You do know that is the reason we are on the earth, don't you, ... to evolve." It strikes me as interesting that now (at least in the popular mind) evolution is not just a change or a process, but an end in itself (...even the end of humanity's purpose and existence). With evolution as the ultimate purpose, it shouldn't surprise us when other absolutes become meaningless, for when change (/development) alone becomes the goal (or the ultimate absolute), anything without exception (short of the eternal and that which abides) will suffice and prove acceptable. Most funny was Oprah's attempt to try to look gravely serious when she said this... like she was not only an expert and authority on the matter, but that it would be wrong to even think about questioning her position and word. Equally funny, though not really, is it's not just day time talk show hosts who are clueless and invent ...

Who Made God? - Excellent Christian Skeptic Response

Got this in my Inbox: In case you missed the vigorous debate between CMI's Dr Jonathan Sarfati and an evolutionary detractor on a recent weekend feedback response you can still read it at Who designed the designer . Jonathan said that this man ‘was really spoiling for a fight'. But our responses have resulted in some really useful arguments that you could use if being asked a similar question. Article here

Answering The Questions: Couldn't, Wouldn't and Shouldn't

Skeptics of Christianity often ask the questions "Could God not do this?" or "Could God not do that?" or "Shouldn't God do this or shouldn't God do that?" All too often this is a diversionary tactic or point of irrelevancy. For example, one could ask concerning the birth of Christ, could not God have provided him a better place to lay his head? Or, concerning the cross, it's often asked could not God have delivered Christ or accomplished salvation another way? The point is it's not a matter of what God could do, or would do, or should do, but what God has willed to be done! Sure, God could have provided a lavish birth and a life of wealth to his Son, he also could have brought ten thousand angels and delivered Christ from the cross had that been his desire, his commitment, his promise, and his plan; but it was not. To ask the question "Couldn't God have done this or that?" is either to miss the point or to deter to the re...

Well-founded Skepticism - The "Gospel" of Judas

Take a look at this post over on Al Mohler's blog. Surprise, surprise National Geographic is the sponsor of a hype hoax...after their fossil fraud , my "skepticism meter" is set to "stunned". Sad to think that folks still give them a lot of credibility.

Brief Thoughts on Secular Warnings and Solutions concerning the End

Through a NYTime's article, I came across a website entitled " How it will end " by Stephen Kirsch (the man who designed the mouse with an optical lens). In it, he references the IPCC consensus report which suggests that " By 2100, there is a 5% chance that the average temperature of the planet will rise by more than 6.4ºC."; and the he states that "If we continue to act as we have in the past and as we are acting now, the scientific consensus is that there is now more than a 5% chance that human beings could be virtually extinct in as little as 90 years from now." He attributes the problem and lack of solution not only to greenhouse emissions, etc., but to human ignorance, greed, etc. He goes on to refer to a study of what a 6.4C increase of temperature would look like and the effects it would cause , including not only the mass extinction of all life, but "Ash and smoke would blanket much of the southern hemisphere, and nearly half of the worl...

Skeptical of fake moral outrage

The tone and rhetoric from the non-believer side has been increasing in its shrillness and hysterics ever since the trolling trio, Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens published their books. Trying to play the victim card, atheists are increasingly referring to Christians as "bigots", God as "evil", and religion as "bad", usually accompanied by a healthy dose of moral indignation, and barely disguised contemptuous outrage. Not satisfied with only insulting their fellow-evolved, ape-descended, randomly-generated-from-soup-by-thunderbolts-masses-of-hydrogen-and-carbon, non-believers also feel that they should have their own displays representing their secular faith, hence their need to erect their own "holiday" tree . But do they have an evolved foot to stand on? ...... All of these acts and insults are born out of a baseless moral outrage. Calling Christians bigots because Christians are "insulting" to atheists is simply stupid if you are an ath...

Supra, Infralapsarianism and Molinism - guess which I am for!

Started at the Founders blog which lead me to start reading about the Building Bridges conference this blog post from the Baptist Press : The primary weakness of both supralapsarian Calvinism (God decreed to save some men before the fall) and infralapsarian Calvinism (God decreed to save some men after the fall) lies in their inability to explain sin and evil without stipulating God as the cause of them, Keathley said. Molinism better reconciles God and the so-called "problem of evil," he said, and eliminates the charge of God having caused evil. "God controls all things but He does not cause all things," Keathley said. "We must embrace God's permission to avoid having God causing evil." I guess I don't really understand the seems like the proposition is that unless God somehow did not know that Man was going to sin, He is the author of sin - that is - if He knew Man would sin and did nothing to stop it, He was the cause of sin. I think...

Good Apologetics site looks like a good, straightforward apologetics site. About Us Apologetics, found at, is maintained by the Apologetics and Interfaith Evangelism team of the North American Mission Board, an agency of the Southern Baptist Convention. The team, working with a network of partners on the state convention, association, and church levels, seeks to convey factual and reliable information about American and World religions and the truth of Christianity, and to equip Southern Baptists to be effective witnesses of the gospel to all people.

Islam: A Religion of Peace and Tolerance?

Note the cry of Sudanese Muslims protesting because the Gillian Gibbons did not get the death penalty for allowing her Muslim students to name their teddy bear Muhammed: The protesters called for Gibbons' execution, saying, "No tolerance: Execution," and "Kill her, kill her by firing squad." If this were an isolated incident and performed only by a few, then one might could dismiss it as radicals of a particular religion, but as was witnessed earlier by the response to the cartoon, this type practice is not isolated nor is it performed and condoned only by a few on the fringe; rather it points to the result of a religion whose foundation is tied up in a man, who therefore must be radically protected and defended, rather than in God. My challenge is for Muslims to look closely at what's taking place, examine the reasoning behind what's taking place, and ask the questions: Does it not strike one as odd that rather than the name of God himself or the messa...

Faith and Consequences (Jehovah's Witness Doctrine and Practice concerning Blood Transfusions)

Faith, whether true or false, has consequences. This is seen clearly in the death of a Jehovah's Witness teen who died after refusing a blood transfusion. The belief and practice of Jehovah's Witnesses in refusing blood transfusions based on passages such as Acts 15:19-21 (where James refers to Gentiles abstaining "from blood"), (along with others such as Gen 9:4, etc.) fail to recognize (1) this passage's ultimate focus deals with the question and primacy of relationship between the Jews and Gentiles and the request of Gentiles to give up some liberties for the sake of the common fellowship; (2) this passage deals with the pagan practice of eating blood (or using blood as a food) not transfusing blood [i.e., to abstain from all blood would require giving up one's own blood]; and most importantly (3) the abstaining from eating blood was based on the principle of "LIFE" and of setting a HIGH VALUE on life since "life was in the blood" ... ...

Muslim Hate Crimes

FoxNews reports "Sudan on Wednesday charged a British teacher with insulting religion and inciting hatred, a crime punishable by up to 40 lashes, six months in prison or a fine, after she named a class teddy bear 'Muhammad'" ." Questions: 1. Will the 7 year old boy be charged as well since he initiated the name calling? 2. Will the parents of the 7 year old boy be charged as well since they named their son Muhammed? 3. What hatred was incited by this (except for hatred toward a non-Muslim)? What evidence is there? 4. Are Muslims suggesting there's something different about Muhammed than other humans, or other prophets? Will they impose the same penalty for similar use of names like John the Baptist, Jesus, etc., who according to their doctrine were also prophets? 5. Ever heard or any or many hate crimes for using the name "Allah"? (I'm told in Muslim dominated regions practically speaking it's okay to use Allah's name in vein, b...

Good analogy of classical vs presuppositional apologetics

From this thread: armourbearer says I liken the two approaches to a man who finds a watch on the beach. He sees the watch, and figures there must be a maker of it, and probably even learns something about the skill of the watchmaker. Throughout this process the man is the master of the opinions he arrives at. But suppose the watchmaker himself comes on the scene, and begins to tell the man how he made the watch, how it works, and what it needs in order to run properly. The man is no longer in control of the facts, but is submissive to and dependent upon the superiority of the watchmaker. The revelational theology of the Bible undoubtedly calls upon us to bow to the sovereignty of God (presuppositionalism), and not to be masters of our own thoughts about God (evidentialism).

Anti-Spanking Laws

Anti-spanking laws continue to surface (See here ). Rather than a lengthy post, consider the simple question: Does (or should) ABUSE of something negate it's PROPER USE? The answer is NO! (This applies to spanking just as it does to alcohol, glue, catnip, love, relationships, property, laws, etc., the list could go on.) You can't remove the authority or means that God gives without causing additional (& often greater) problems. While such problems may be and/or remain masked for awhile, history has proven that while one may abandon, seek to undo, or even legislate against God's will and provisions, such actions cannot be taken without consequence. Wisdom calls for protection of and participation in the duties God sets before us , even for good ... including the right administration of physical discipline, which serves as an effective means of reproof and correction for those who will be trained by it, even reaching the heart and shaping the character and will, wh...

Do you have a new relationship with sin?

Wow - just listening to the Way of the Master radio - a program contrasting the "feel good" message with the "total depravity" message. Paul Washer (God bless him!) is the subject of the latter - one thing he sid really resonated with me. "Lot's of people come to me saying they have a new relationship with God. My response is, "DO you have a new relationship with sin? Because if you don't have a change in your relationship to sin, then you don't really have a relationship with God." Incredible!

The Origin (or Evolution??) of Art/Artistic Impulses

According to a New York Times piece entitled "The Dance of Evolution, or How Art Got Its Start" , some researchers suggest human artistic impulses "arose accidentally, as a byproduct of large brains that evolved to solve problems and were easily bored." Another argues that "the creative drive has all the earmarks of being an adaptation on its own. The making of art consumes enormous amounts of time and resources ..., an extravagance you wouldn’t expect of an evolutionary afterthought. Art also gives us pleasure, she said, and activities that feel good tend to be those that evolution deems too important to leave to chance." This latter expert goes on to suggest that "the tightly choreographed rituals that bond mother and child look a lot like the techniques and constructs at the heart of much of our art." "Perhaps the most radical element of Ms. Dissanayake’s evolutionary framework is her idea about how art got its start. She suggests tha...

Man Almighty???

For anyone who thinks that modern science is completely devoid of metaphysics, just look at how far from reality this article takes us. "Forget about the threat that mankind poses to the Earth: our very ability to study the heavens may have shortened the inferred lifetime of the cosmos." Read More... Not only is mankind the all-powerful enemy of the planet, but now he has the ability to destroy the universe!!! What frontiers will we conquer next? This also caught my attention. Has the science of Astromony adopted the religion of Hinduism? Parallel universe proof boosts time travel hopes

The Test of Wearing Western Trousers

Skeptical of Al Qaeda, who beheaded an Iraqi couple in front of their children for being infidels because they "wore western trousers" and did not pray. Determinations based upon the make or material of one's clothes rather than the faith and beliefs of one's heart are the result and display of legalism (in this case, resulting from cultural/religious bias & brainwashing), not spirituality. Not only that, but based on "wearing western trousers" being part of the criteria for proving oneself an infidel, would not the 9-11 high-jackers be infidels (or partial infidels, or at least participating in the practice of infidels), not to mention scores of Muslims living in the West today! 1 Cor 2:12-13 "We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in ...

Skeptical of Thanks on the part of Atheists

Today is Thanksgiving, a day set apart for giving thanks...that is: Thanks to God our creator, the one who is the ultimate source of every good and perfect gift, and the one from whom all blessings flow, the one apart from whom there is not life or purpose or hope or confidence or fellowship, but separation, wandering, lostness, destruction and death. Today is also a day for giving thanks to others, who according to the pleasure and wisdom of God have been created with a living soul and a personal will able under the sovereignty and providence of God to make choices and affect our lives and our welfare. Today is a day for reflecting upon the mercies and grace that have been shown to us as well as the good that we have received and enjoy. Today is a day of thanksgiving, a response and an act that has historically and continues to be recognized by humanity as not only a character trait, behavior and expression that is right and becoming but one that displays the best in a person and ...

Saudi Arabia Courts

Skeptical of the Equity in Saudi Courts : Some rapists get "light" sentences while a female found in a car with males who were not her relative gets six months in jail plus 200 lashes. Which do you consider the greater "crime"? Compare this injustice and inequity with what is said of the Lord and his kingdom: Isa 32:1 "See, a king will reign in righteousness and rulers will rule with justice. " Isa 9:7 "Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this." ... How bright the glories of the Lord are when contrasted with the fallenness of this world.

Wow! Science says there was a Great Flood after long as it was a *natural* flood...

I tell ya the material naturalists are creative! "Masse’s biggest idea is that some 5,000 years ago, a 3-mile-wide ball of rock and ice swung around the sun and smashed into the ocean off the coast of Madagascar. The ensuing cataclysm sent a series of 600-foot-high tsunamis crashing against the world’s coastlines and injected plumes of superheated water vapor and aerosol particulates into the atmosphere. Within hours, the infusion of heat and moisture blasted its way into jet streams and spawned superhurricanes that pummeled the other side of the planet. For about a week, material ejected into the atmosphere plunged the world into darkness. All told, up to 80 percent of the world’s population may have perished, making it the single most lethal event in history. Why, then, don’t we know about it? Masse contends that we do. Almost every culture has a legend about a great flood, and—with a little reading between the lines—many of them mention something like a comet on a collision cou...

Proof You Can't Just Blame It On Religion

In Moscow, psychologists are negotiating with some doomsday cult members, who have sealed themselves in ...a cave or a bunker... waiting for the end of the world. No doubt Hitchens and others will point to this incident and suggest that "RELIGION" is a problem (i.e., "God is Not Good: How Religion Poisons Everything", religion is the cause of so many troubles in the world, etc.). However, it should be pointed out that "RELIGION" is on both sides of this issue(/incident). The point being, it's NOT "RELIGION" which is the problem, but "FALSE RELIGION"! Failure to distinguish and lump the two together is made by those who possess no more discernment than to look at examples of "FALSE SCIENCE" and it's effects and then conclude that science is a problem and poisons everything. Note - it makes no difference how loud, how often, how popular, how persuasive, how arrogant, or how hateful one makes such claims, it does ...

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