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Showing posts from 2009

On Worship

A brief guiding statement on Christian Worship - Worship is privately and publicly acknowledging the absolute sovereignty of God, His complete sufficiency and our complete inadequacy 1 , all done in spirit and truth 2 . Christians accomplish this good work, in general, by loving God with their full selves and loving others 3 , so that all may ascribe glory to Him alone 4 . Corporate worship is the gathering of the church specifically to worship as a unified body. Corporate worship includes the proper and orderly 5 public practice of the spiritual gifts, preaching, praying, singing, giving and other elements which are required, allowed and outlined by God in His Holy Word 6 . While the practice of worship may vary in terms of inclusion of all or some of the elements, no element may be added that is not clearly outlined in Holy Scriptures 7 . (Intended as a Scripturally based guiding principle, not as an exhaustive declaration.) notes 1 1  Chronicles 16:23-31, Psalm 86:10, Revelatio...

God is Great, God is Good

God is Great, God is Good edited by William Lane Craig and Chad Meister... while reflecting the simple words with which children are sometimes taught to pray looks to prove anything but childish. In fact, after reading a discussion of it's contents and writers over at Apologetics 315 , I believe this book will not only prove one of the greatest and best selling books of it's time, but will be a book apologists and the common reader will want on their shelf for years to come, and beyond. Check it out here , then buy it and promote it. It's DEFINITELY on my Christmas list this year!

Christmas Gimmicks

Perhaps it's because there's more press, but it seems to me I'm reading more and more of pastors and/or churches performing "gimmicks" to draw attention to themselves this Christmas. While I admit I do not know their hearts, and while I admit that some good comes through their actions, I also have noted some aspects of the things I've read, even quotes coming from the individuals themselves, which are not in keeping with Scripture. We must keep in mind that some things are done for charitable and right reasons, and it's only because others draw attention to them that they receive the press they do, but at the same time, there's the possibility that some things might be done (even in the name of religion, or under the guise "God laid it upon my heart to do it) which are done to gain attention. I'll not mention specific incidents here for various reasons, but keep in mind that all which is done even in the name of charity is not of righteousnes...

Christian Influence and (Religious) Freedoms

Among all regions, the Middle East-North Africa region has the highest government and social restrictions on religion, while the Americas are the least restrictive region on both measures. Interesting article and report entitled Two-thirds of global population live in religiously restrictive countries Not surprising to find the America's where they are listed. Not surprising to find Muslim countries listed where they are.

Carl Trueman on Displays of Pride & Practices of Humility in Blogging

Carl Trueman's Fools Rush In Where Monkeys Fear To Tread is not only an interesing read, a convicting piece of work, but useful in raising awareness of sins commonly espressed expressed in the world of blogging. Ha! - I know I'll get the question: Did I post this so I could use Carl Trueman's name on our blog? ... but his great insight and writing reflects no credit to us (I can even say I don't know him and have never talked with him), but simply felt his article was a good read and of great benefit. Enjoy!

Quotes opposing "Value Free Parenting" fr. Clifford Longley (& Commentary by Matthew Boudway)

“There is no such thing as value-free parenting,” Simply to avoid all discussion of the parents’ religious beliefs…is to impart the clear and strong message that religion does not matter. ... of course public schools approach important matters all the time, and cannot avoid doing so. However fastidiously they dodge metaphysical questions, they cannot dodge what Socrates called the most important question: how to live. Quotes taken from here .

Do Christians and Muslims worship the Same God?

"In our country, if one refers to Allah or mentions kalimah Allah, it will bring to one's mind that it refers to the god for Muslims. Kalimah Allah is sacred to the Muslims and put at the highest position, and its sanctity must be protected," he said Monday, according to local sources The above quote is taken from here . Regardless of the use of Allah, what's clear in this article is that Muslims too recognize they refer to and worship a DIFFERENT God than Christians. If Christians and Muslims both acknowledge that the God Christians worship is different from the object of Muslim worship, why do people go around suggesting: "We all worship the same God"? That fact is ... we don't! Any statements to the contrary reveal either naivete or ignorance, or arrogance in suggesting the holder (without authority) knows more than all the adherents to the other religions. Note also the statement in the article: The use of the word ‘Allah’ by other religions may a...

False View of Ten Commandments and Salvation

Paul writes "For while we were powerless, Christ died for the ungodly." Too often, one comes across participants or members in Christian churches who have the idea that God saves those who are GOOD. You know the type, I'm a Christian because I try to keep the Ten Commandments, or God saves me because I'm different than others who do not go to church or pray - at least I'm trying to do right and serve him. But Scripture presents a different teaching when it comes to salvation. Christ did not come to die for those who are good, or for the godly, but for the ungodly. Part of the problem is that many misunderstand the use of the Ten Commandments. Many live or speak as if the Ten Commandments were given for us to try to keep as if to "prove" our righteousness to God or show how good we are or can be. However, God knew of man's fall in the garden and the fact that through Adam's sin all became sinners and are therefore incapable of keep the Ten Com...

Christmas Encouragement of Global Evangelization

Iranian Republic, Not Islamic Republic Above quote is a slogan held up by brave protesters in Iran who seek and fight for freedoms under a banner which perhaps sheds insight into greater things to come not only for Iran but for the hope which has been communicated for the world. I'm grateful this Christmas of the encouragement that globalization gives toward the fulfillment of Christ's Great Commission and the evangelization of the world. As it is the understanding of all reasonable men that each person should have freedom of discovery and belief when it comes to religion, it seems the globalization of the world, including the greater exposure it brings to all ... as well the greater influence and pressure exerted by the larger masses will serve in significant ways to facilitate the expansion of the Great Commission and the ushering in of the fulfillment of the words spoken by Christ (and his messengers) that the gospel will go forth and spread to the ends of the earth and th...

America: an Islamic Nation?

In President Obama's nobel acceptance speech, he made reference again to Islam as "a GREAT religion" (Caps, my emphasis, though it reflects the tone in which the statement was made). While I recognize both the political and practical benefits of using such a term (i.e., seeking to drive a wedge to separate the greater Muslim community from those presently and publicly endorsing jihad.... so as to avoid WWIII), at the same time I wonder if any News organization would consider counting and reporting the number of times the President of the United States has made reference to Islam as a Great Religion and the number of times he has publicly referred to Christianity as a Great Religion? I guarantee the difference would be ASTOUNDING! Question: Where's the CONSISTENCY when it comes to what many refer to today as "separation of church and state"? Seems while there may be "separation of Christianity and state", there is no "separation of Islam and...

U.S. President Jimmy Carter's Speech at Parliament of the World’s Religions

Carter, who left the Southern Baptist Convention nearly a decade ago in part because it does not allow women to be ordained as pastors, said discrimination against women in religious settings not only contradicted the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights but also the teachings of the world’s major faiths, according to Christian Today. Quote from here . In Carter Rails Against Religious Discriminaton of Women , it seems former President Jimmy Carter continues to stump for "equality of women's roles" in the church while denying Scripture and positing authority in the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights and the teachings of the world's majoy faiths, though he also inconsistently goes on to condemn some of the practices of those faiths which has first upheld as the standard we should base our views and practice upon. I won't waste the time on a new rebuttal. Readers can find what needs to be said in my previous post .

Call and Reminder to Christian (and Non-Materialist) Scientists regarding Collider

Seems the Collider is powering up and though it might be next year before any significant findings are made (or up to three years), let me express by hope that Christian scientist will not only be involved in reviewing the evidence but also in posting reviews, for if history teaches us anything, it's that not only is the evidence important, but so are the presuppositions with which one comes to the evidence, and history reveals that often those with humanistic/materialistic views like to try to beat others to the press espousing not only their positions but claiming them to be scientific and undebatable fact, a situation which not only misleads but also creates a more difficult environment and challenge for communicating the truth in those areas where a more thorough and comprehensive view of the evidence proves their positions to be wrong. My understanding is that the Collinder data is to be published where scientists around the world can gain almost immediate access to it. Hopef...

Cal Thomas on the Left's Position on the Climate

THIS IS THE LEFT’S RELIGION. WHILE DENYING GOD, THE LEFT IS COMMITTED TO “SAVING THE PLANET.“ WHY? IF THERE IS NO GOD, WE MIGHT JUST AS WELL EAT, DRINK, POLLUTE AND BE MERRY FOR TOMORROW WE DIE. FOR WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO SAVE THE PLANET? Quote taken from here . While the remark should taken in context (which admits generalizations), this was a good example of taken the familiar (i.e., a verse from Scripture) and applying it in an engaging and powerful way.

Opposition to Anti-Blasphemy Laws

A group of Islamic nations, led by Algeria and Pakistan, is lobbying to bring before the U.N. General Assembly a proposed treaty banning mockery of religion, The letter seeks to outlaw utterances that are “grossly abusive or insulting” to religion without defining precisely what it deemed grossly abusive. That kind of spongy language leads many to suspect that the treaty would be used against political dissidents as much as it would be used to protect the feelings of the devout. The above quotes are taken from Editorial: Free speech ... crackdown in name of religion This writer makes a very good point. While we all realize the following: (1) Freedom of religion is good and to be protected (2) Speech can abusive and sinful (3) The context of speech is important and should be taken into account (4) Beliefs that are true should not fear standing against tests (5) Harm can occur when false beliefs are protected and kept from being addressed, I say the writer makes a very good point becau...

Dawkin's Response to Why He Refuses to Debate Dr. William Lane Craig

You can tell from the tone of his voice, he's agitated. Being publicly exposed might easily explain it. Perhaps he won't be as busy "after Christmas" and will accept the invitation next year. ;) My prediction: Similar to a boxer who gains a little fame for a time but knows he can't stand up to real competition, Dawkins will find some stiffs or dead weight to debate and then claim he's fought the competition... I hope the question continues to be put to him, often! About Dr. Craig

Biblica/theological resources and the...

Biblical/theological resources and theology to avoid: Interpreting Scripture: Commentaries - use when reading Scriptures - these are trustworthy theologians: Systematic Theology - to set your doctrinal focus (Reformed Theology): In general - television preachers are to be avoided - LOTS of false/bad doctrine - here is a list of some others to avoid:

Illustration of Grace (& Misunderstanding Grace); Matthew 20:1-16 - Parable of the Vineyard

Carrying this new deal being offered by this restaurant to its logical conclusion, they are actually charging those families and individuals who don't go to any church more money for their meal over those that those do go to church. Additionally, those tourists who may be visiting the area without a special bulletin will be charged more as well. The above quote is taken from a post from the Mississippi Atheists website. What's clear, when one reads the post, is the author either doesn't understand the meaning of the word "discount" or he's prejudiced against grace shown to Christians, or both. The situation is this: a restaurant advertised a 10% discount to customers who presented a copy of their church bulletin. The blogger suggested this was paramount to charging some people (who don't go to church) more than others. This fails to understand how grace works. The owner, here, is not selling the food for two different prices, but for the same price, an...

CS Response to post by Atheist Revolution

With the idea of karma, there is a certain inevitability of justice. If one screws up enough in life, there is no forgiveness and no absolution of "sin" gained by repeated hail Mary's. No deathbed confessions will save your ***. Your fate will be determined by your own behavior, just as it should be. The various Christian denominations seem determined to offer short-cuts - ways to get away with sin. [*** Curse Word deleted] The above quote was taken from a blog called "Atheist Revolution" . I draw your attention to a several issues raised in the statements: 1. Note how the writer acknowledges one's fate will be determined by their own behavior. The writer even adds this is "just as it should be". To this end, the writer will have no excuse on the day of judgment, for his own words will testify against him. (Note: the writer leaves the issue of representative & substitutionary atonement unaddressed.) 2. Note how the writer reveals his igno...

More Proof That Atheism Is A Religion

From Atheist Group Takes ‘Godless Holiday’ Campaign Nationwide Observations: 1.) Atheism holds a specific view of God (that goes without saying). 2.) Atheism holds a view of sacred things (the term "holiday" denotes a sacred, "holy" day.) 3.) Atheism holds a view of morality (as quoted in article, "Humanism is the idea that you can be good without a belief in God"). What is good? 4.) Atheism is trying to build an ecclessiastical unit ("the atheist group claims its campaign is designed to reach out to fellow atheists on what is normally a religious holiday"). 5.) Atheism has a view on law (ACLU, etc.). Atheism bases its worldview on particular views of God, man, law, ethics, rights, etc. They claim an exclusive avenue to public policy based on those views. Yet when Christians do the same, we keep hearing about the mythical "separation clause". This clearly shows that there is no neutral territory in any area of life. Far from being neutr...

Continuing Attempts to Curb Sin

“Children are altruistic by nature,” he writes, and though they are also naturally selfish, all parents need do is try to tip the balance toward social behavior. Quote taken from here . History has shown a plethora of attempts to suggest education, rewards, drugs, or a combination thereof, etc. are all that is needed to produce acceptable behavior and among humanity to put an end to sin. Here's another approach, and this one is simply to "tip the balance" between the two (altruism and selfishness). Seems the world which fails to accept the Bible's position of both humans as image bearers as well as the need for a change of heart will always be trying to come up with something new, but to no avail, until man accepts that the the sinful nature of man cannot be solved apart from the cleansing and renewal found in Christ. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free fro...

What it means to be Reformed

It involves one's view of God, a view that sees Him as Holy and just and sovereign, and man as His creature. It stands apart from man's religions, and the vast majority of "Christendom," in acknowledging God's absolute right to do with His creation as He sees fit. It is absolutely theocentric, purposefully and willfully rejecting the impulse to focus upon man, instead acknowledging that the glory of God's grace is worthy to be praised for all eternity. To be Reformed means you believe in a Savior worthy of worship, One who actually saves, not one who just does His best. You believe the Gospel is Trinitarian, holy, lofty, awe-inspiring and worthy of the entirety of your life and being. You not only accept the five points, you accept the consistent exegesis and hermeneutics, let alone the view of an inspired, authoritative, consistent, sufficient Word from God, that leads to those five points. And as a result, your view of God, yourself, church, worship, and th...

Christian Response to Humanist Advertisement about Labeling Children

The final phase of the atheist bus campaign (/advertising) will begin this week. The advertisement will display a picture of a girl with the text: "Please don't label me. Let me grow up and choose for myself." This is an example of half truths (and half lies) being propagated. Additionally, while the advertisement is in response to religious schools, Christians should be aware of attempts to further confuse thinking as well as to interfere or encroach upon the teaching or tear down the home. Several Things Christian Parents Should Remember 1. God Commands It Christian parents are to train up our children in the way they should go. In Deut. 6:1ff, we read: "These are the commands, decrees and laws the LORD your God directed me to teach you to observe that you, your children and their children after them may fear the LORD your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life. Hear, O Isra...

Blindness and Islam

15-year-old Egyptian girl Dina el-Gowhary, who converted from Islam to Christianity, has sent a plea to President Obama, complaining of mistreatment by the Egyptian Government and asking for his mediation. “Mr President Obama,” she writes, “we are a minority in Egypt. We are treated very badly. You said that the Muslim minority in America are treated very well, so why are we not treated here likewise? We are imprisoned in our own home because Muslim clerics called for the murder of my father, and now the Government has set for us a new prison, we are imprisoned in our own country.” Paragraph taken from here .l While it's true one must distinguish between Muslims and their beliefs, shouldn't the overwhelming examples throughout the world be enough to cause people to reject Islam, ... unless they are blinded in their unbelief. Consider: The bloodshed and killing of people who believe differently The attempts to force outward confessions and submission even though they can't ...

Kadhafi - Another Example of Muslims Making Stuff Up

"You think that Jesus was crucified, but this is not true. God took him to heaven. They crucified someone who looked like him. The Jews tried to kill Jesus because they wanted to put the religion of Moses on the true path," ANSA news agency quoted him as saying. Kadhafi, in a one hour lesson on Islam, to a paid audience, stated in regard to Jesus' crucifixion: "They crucified someone who looked like him." And his evidence is????? This is just another example of an uneducated madman speaking about historical events he knows nothing about in order to deceive people into buying into more of his lies. (I'd love to hear him provide rationale along with respond to questions regarding the overwhelming view of scholarship, the witness of Christ's own mother, the willingness of Christ's disciples to give their lives, etc.) But hey, if he either doesn't comprehend Islam which he professes or believes (in regard to women) he can make up his own rules, ...

Question on the order of Decrees - Lapsarianism

I got this email from one of my younger (but sharp!) brothers in the faith Shorter Catechism Question 13: Q. Did our first parents continue in the estate wherein they were created? A. Our first parents, being left to the freedom of their own will , fell from the estate wherein they were created, by sinning against God. As we all know, Adam and Eve were not in bondage to sin yet still capable of sinning. The triune God had ordained from eternity past that the Son would be redeemer of a fallen people, implying that God knew they would sin against Him. Could the case be made that God, in his foreknowledge of the fall, designated the Son as redeemer rather than God ordaining the fall. I know a good Calvinist doesn't accept this parallel in regards to salvation (the "corridors of time" fallacy used to dodge Romans 9 which contradicts verse 11.) But with lapsarianism, we're not dealing with merits of salvation but merely the question of whether or not God...

Colson on the Sex-Ed Lobby

The sex-ed lobby has always claimed it was all about health-teaching kids how to stay safe. But in reality, their goal was not preventing disease, pregnancy, and emotional distress. It’s about indoctrinating them into a radical ideology-sexual freedom. Kids are urged to consult websites that urge them to begin “exploring” their sexuality at a young age, insist that sex at any age is a right, and encourage them to engage in bizarre and dangerous activities. Once again, science is backing up the truth of the Judeo-Christian worldview. That is, sex ought to occur exclusively within the context of marriage. And anybody who tells us otherwise is sacrificing truth, science, and the health of our children. Quotes from Colson taken from here .

"Faith" Inspired Violence?

The claim comes as officials in different branches of law enforcement and the military squabble over who knew what when about Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's leanings toward faith-inspired violence, ... The above quote was taken from here . It seems journalists need to either coin a new term or be more specific when they use the term "faith". For example, Hasan conducted this violence while living apart from true faith (i.e., it was NOT faith inspired violence, but "faith-less" violence) and thus to refer to it as "faith-inspired" violence is misleading in that it can suggest the horrible acts were carried out in the name of faith (as opposed to what society considers those "without faith"). Sure, some will suggest Hasan still this this based on his "faith", though it be in Allah rather than Yahweh. While the latter is true, it should also be noted that everyone exercises faith on some level (even atheists), so the term is not helpful ...

Scientists ... in all seriousness

But the difficulties faced by those working on the project have prompted some members of the scientific community to speculate, in all seriousness, that the machine is sabotaging itself — from the future. Let all our friends who declare to us that scientists always deal with "the rational" take a look at Large Hadron Collider Halted By Bird Crumbs where the above quote is found. It's the phrase "in all seriousness" that I draw attention to, for while this quite possibly or even likely was the addition of the writer, I suspect by the wording there is more behind this than meets the eye. It should be noted that if it's only evidence scientists look to, then the "bit of baguette" was responsible. But what a leap to suggest the machine is sabatoging itself! While I do not doubt the things which have occured have done so within the providence of God, it's another thing for scientists to suggest a machine is sabatoging itself - from the future. ...

Invitation to Atheists (and Consistency, please)

In Stand up, stand up, against Je sus, Russell Blackford and Udo Schuklenk state the following: Surely the claims of religion — of all religions — merit scrutiny from every angle, whether historical, philosophical, scientific, or any other. It's WONDERFUL to see atheists admitting this, now if you will just do it! We invite you to do so. However, the authors then go on to state: As atheists, we should state clearly that no religion has any rational warrant, ... Are we now to assume that they have done what they previously suggested? I doubt it. Like others, they seem quick to declare one thing, but then render an unsubstantiated assertion. Wouldn't it be great if they actually did what they declared, for think of the many former atheists who did just that ... and set out to try to prove biblical Christianity false but were converted in the process! Sure, anyone can find fallacies among the ignorant, or uninformed, or those blinded by their sin & persuasions, etc., but ...

Unbelievers Are Without Excuse

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse" ( Romans 1:18-20 ) When liberalism, pluralism, and emerging theology speak of the greatness of God as being too much for the human mind to understand, do not think for a second that they are giving any honor to God. They do just the opposite, for they render God as weak and powerless, unable to make Himself understood in any adequate way to His own creation. For example: "Bahá'u'lláh taught that God is too great and too subtle a Being for the finite human mind ever to understand Him adequately or to construct an accurate image of Him....

CS Response to Austin Dacey post (The secularist case against '"Atheism 3.0")

Read the article here . Let me begin by saying I'm not surprised to see an article come out on this subject and to come out so soon, for people realize that when there's a fire in one's own kitchen, you better try to put it out quick. Atheism 3.0 is a division within the atheist camp (over whether religion is the enemy New Atheism touts it be, or not) and the last thing atheists want to division within their ranks, the need to have to defend their positions even against their own, and for the platform where they have kept their high horse to be taken from them and controlled by others. This being said, let me simply address the issue Dacy raises in his post under the header "A secular conversation-starter". He states "I don't go after God. Why go after God when you can come before him? I argue that the free individual conscience comes first, before God, before society. Conscience cannot be found in duty to God, for it is conscience that must judge where...

First U.S. Army Buddhist Chaplain's Foundational Beliefs Shown to Be Impractical

Although his faith is grounded in pacifism, the 43-year-old Dyer says war has become a necessary part of peace. "My teacher has concluded that without the military, without civil protection, the world would enter into a very dark place very quickly," The above quote from U.S. Army Sending First Buddhist Chaplain to Iraq reveals the impractical nature of foundational beliefs associated with pascivism in a world full of sin and depravity. Another example of where the Bible speaks truth (and is proven over time) where others have been given to false beliefs and practices which do not mesh with the real world. While his Christian colleagues may respect his freedom to serve, that does not mean respect is in order for all the beliefs he brings. Military personnel should not confuse issues of freedoms and professionalism with issues of truth and falsehood.

Calvin on Requests for Rational Arguments for the Credibility of Scripture

...Profane men think that religion rests only on opinion, and, therefore, that they may not believe foolishly, or on slight grounds, desire and insist to have it proved by reason that Moses and the prophets were divinely inspired. But I answer,that the testimony of the Spirit is superior to reason. For as God alone can properly bear witness to his own words, so these words will not obtain full credit in the hearts of men, until they are sealed by the inward testimony of the Spirit. The same Spirit, therefore, who spoke by the mouth of the prophets, must penetrate our hearts, in order to convince us that they faithfully delivered the message with which they were divinely entrusted. ( Calvins Institutes, Chapter 7, Section 4 ) It's a fallacy to believe that the authority of God's Word rests upon the opinion of man. Readers should note however, Calvin goes on in chapter 8 to provide rational proofs (for the credibility of Scripture) for use when they may be beneficial. (Thanks t...

Samuel - a Noble Example of Dealing with Changing Generations

At times, when faced with change, some people take the attitude "if you can't beat them join them", so they get on whatever bus comes along. Others are tempted to throw their hands up and quit. Then there are those who suggest they have done their duty, and therefore it's time for the younger ones to take the helm. Samuel set a noble example in choosing none of the above options. Samuel when dealing with a generation who was rejecting God as their king set the matters before the Lord. He warned the people and when they would not listen he continued to set the matters before the Lord. Even when it became clear to him that God was going to give the people over to their desires and when it became clear that he himself would be cast into obscurity and become of no reputation, he did not compromise; he did not hide what he believed to be truth, he continued to be a man of influence, he continued to pray & represent the people before God, and he established a schoo...

CS Response to Hitchen's "Faith No More"

Here's a quick follow-up to Christopher Hitchen's Faith No More article in Slate Magazine Hitchens: "Usually, when I ask some Calvinist whether he is really a Calvinist (in the sense, say, of believing that I will end up in hell), there is a slight reluctance to say yes, and a slight wince from his congregation. I have come to the conclusion that this has something to do with the justly famed tradition of Southern hospitality: You can't very easily invite somebody to your church and then to supper and inform him that he's marked for perdition." Response: The truth is that unless Christopher Hitchens repents and beleives the good news that comes through the gospel of Christ (...that the kingdom of God is real and near... and that God offers the gift of righteousness and reconciliation through the union with his Son which comes by faith) then Christopher Hitchens like all others who fall short of the glory and righteousness required by God will receive the des...

Paul Copan: Inferring Design from Anti-Design

John Barrow calculated that the chances of moving from a bacterium to homo sapiens in 10 billion years or less is 10-24,000,000... [1] We’re not even addressing the origin of the universe ...whose chances of happening are exactly zero. Nor are we speaking of the fine-tuning of the universe (non-theist Roger Penrose calculates this as being one chance in 1010(123)).[2] Nor ...of getting the precise DNA sequence of the necessary 250 proteins to sustain life (whose chances have been calculated as 1 in 1041,000).[3] We are stacking such outrageously remote possibilities on top of more outrageously remote possibilities on top of still more. So, if we’re surrounded by appearance of design (as atheists like Crick and Dawkins acknowledge), must we insist that it is only apparent design rather than genuine design? ... It seems to be pure philosophical prejudice—not scientific observation—that disqualifies design Paul Cohen at Parchment and Pen has an insightful article useful to Christian apol...

Chuck Colson on When Atheists Believe

In recent years Great Britain's chief export to the U.S. has been a payload of books by atheist authors ... They contend that faith is irrational in the face of modern science. Other prominent British atheists seem to be having second thoughts. Is there some revival sweeping England? No; they are examining the rationality of Christianity, ...but are coming to opposite conclusions. Good article by Chuck Colson . While atheists make much over recent increase in sales of their books, that doesn't mean all who buy them will buy into their claims. Once again, God in his soveriegn mercy can and does use even these things to lead people to the truth found in his gospel.

Sad State of Abortion Shown By Statistics

Abortion Kills More Black Americans Than the Seven Leading Causes of Death Combined, Says CDC Data Abortion killed at least 203,991 blacks in the 36 states and two cities ...that reported abortions by race in 2005, according to the CDC. During that same year, ...a total of 198,385 blacks nationwide died from heart disease, cancer, strokes, accidents, diabetes, homicide, and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined. Rev. Clenard H. Childress, Jr., founder of, told that ... 1,784 blacks are aborted each day. Statistics like these should open people's eyes to the extent of the problem of abortion. For full article, see here .

Global Blasphemy Laws

One of the interesting things about discussions surrounding blasphemy laws (whether by the UN or others)is they cannot be conducted without coming back to the central question: What is Truth? Seems this was the question in Jesus' day, it's the question which comes us today, and it's a question which cannot be avoided. ... suppose God intended it to be this way?

Internet Apologetics & Evangelism: A Call to Christians

One of the factors leading to my devoting the time I do on the internet was Panta making the statement one day that the Internet today is the Mars Hill of Paul's day. Consider the following quotes from an article published today by The Christian Post Non-seekers are often not interested in visiting Christian Web sites, but churches can still meet them by going to their Web turf. “[T]he church must not isolate itself on its own Web sites; instead, it must take part in the fluent online traffic and develop initiatives on various platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Wikipedia,” says Fischer-Nielsen... So churches need to be technologically savvy and create Web sites that can be found through popular search engines such as Google, as well as create an online presence on growingly popular social networking sites. For more on the entire article, see Scholar: Churches Can Use Internet to Reach Non-Seekers .

Ida - Reported Not a Missing Link

The research is the first independent assessment of the claims made in a scientific paper and a television documentary earlier this year. Dr Erik Seiffert says that Ida belonged to a group more closely linked to lemurs than to monkeys, apes or us. ''The suggestion that Ida [was]... specifically related to the higher primates, namely monkeys apes and humans, was actually a minority view from the start. Not surprising... (Perhaps the hairy sketches were closer to reality than we thought!!!) LOL Full article here .

Rewriting Scripture

I provided an earlier post on the Conservatives' efforts to produce a "conservantive Bible" so I won't repeat it here, but the following statements from Joseph Farah in a new article on the subject bear repeating: I'm almost too embarrassed to write about this kind of trivialization and politicization of the Scriptures, but something needs to be said. Either the Bible is the Word of God, or it's not. If it is, how dare anyone rewrite it? If it's not, why bother?

Atheism and Communism - a post by Shawn Mathis

And when in secure power, the socialistic overlords magnanimously allowed "freedom of religion" all the while covertly intent on undermining Christianity. The plan was to lure inquisitive religious people into the thinking of the communists. Of course, that was easy since the entire social milieu was essentially owned and operated by the State. Repress freedom of the press, spy on worship services, control the major means of production and promote State-loyal workers and the pressure on Christianity multiplies one hundred fold beyond what atheists even feel today in America. Over the decades in the USSR there was a general attempt to stamp out religion by withholding educational and job positions, control or closing of religious locales, imprisoning dissenting clergy, and atheistic requirements for Party membership Shawn Mathis (the Denver Christian Apologetics Examiner) provides an insightful article on the relationship between atheism and communism here . I encourage you n...

Douglas Wilson on Atheism

So if the universe is what the atheist maintains it is, then this determines what sort of account we must give for the nature of everything -- and this includes the atheist's thought processes, ethical convictions, and aesthetic appreciations. If you were to shake up two bottles of pop and place them on a table to fizz over, you could not fill up an auditorium with people who came to watch them debate. This is because they are not debating; they are just fizzing. If you were to shake up one bottle of pop, and show it film footage of some genocidal atrocity, the reaction you would get is not moral outrage, but rather more fizzing. And if you were to shake it really hard by means of art school, and place it in front of Michelangelo's David, or the Rose Window of Chartres Cathedral, the results would not really be aesthetic appreciation, but more fizzing still. Douglas Wilson on atheism and the results which flow from its preconditions. For more, read Collision: Is Religion Absur...

Good Without God??? (Christian Response to New York City Atheist Advertising Campaign)

Most have heard of the advertising campaign "Good Without God" associated with the Coalition of Reason and the new book by William Morrow to be released on Oct. 27 by William Morrow; but let's consider the Question: "Are a Million New Yorkers Good Without God" and "Are You?" 1. Claims of "Goodness Without God" must depend on some definition and standard of goodness. The question is: What is that definition and upon what standard is it based? If goodness is defined and the standard is dependent simply upon social norms and expectations, then perhaps some people can be "Good Without God". Several factors could contribute to this goodness including (a) the fact that if man determines the standard, then man can simply lower the requirements and marginalize goodness(b) goodness could be achieved through relative comparison, (c) or goodness could be attained based on subjective evaluation or limited scope of evaluation. However, if ...

Westminster Shorter Catechism in Modern English Project

Westminster Shorter Catechism in Modern English with Scripture Proof Texts Project Edited by JD Longmire (and, of course, all the blame for errors and omissions!) - Worship & Arts Pastor - Mosaic Church - Gulf Coast Printable version here is the original for reference Q. 1. What is the chief purpose of man? A. Man's chief purpose is to glorify God, [a] and to enjoy him for ever. [b] [a]. Ps. 86:9; Isa. 60:21; Rom. 11:36; I Cor. 6:20; 10:31; Rev. 4:11 [b]. Ps. 16:5-11; 144:15; Isa. 12:2; Luke 2:10; Phil. 4:4; Rev. 21:3-4 Q. 2. What has God given to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him? A. The Word of God, which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, [a] is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him. [b] [a]. Matt. 19:4-5 with Gen. 2:24; Luke 24:27, 44; I Cor. 2:13; 14:37; II Pet.1:20-21; 3:2, 15-16 [b]. Deut. 4:2; Ps. 19:7-11; Isa. 18:20; John 15:11; 20:30-31; Acts 17:11; II Tim. 3:15-17; I John 1:4 click here for more

Theistic Arguments and Regeneration

While theistic arguments have their valid purpose and place, one should not confuse the difference between the belief that comes as a result of regeneration and the persuasion which may come from theistic arguments, though the latter at times may serve a role in the former. Regeneration is followed by faith whereas persuasions (even of God's existence) may still lack saving faith. Regeneration is accomplished by power and results in new being and life whereas persuasions from argument can still leave one spiritually impotent and dead. Hence, while the goal of an apologist may at times be to persuade using theistic arguments, the goal of an evangelist is never satisfied simply by theistic arguments. It's important that believers understand the difference so as not to be deceived into thinking that once theistic arguments have accomplished their purpose that the work of reconciliation (and redemption) is done.

Islam and Christianity Comparison

Quick Comparison between Christianity and Islam Revelation Islam –Qur’an is the inspired word of God and supercedes all previous revelations. The Bible has been corrupted along with Christian doctrines. Christianity – The Bible is inspired by God and has been preserved and propagated by him. Scripture is able to make man wise unto salvation. The Quran is not of divine origin and is not only filled with contradictions and inconsistencies but leads man astray from God and the gift of his righteousness. Nature of God Islam – God is absolutely and indivisibly one, beyond being, extremely transcendent, absolute divine will without essence or nature, sovereign, capricious, impersonal (basically unknowable), deterministic and divorced from His creation. ...... Christianity - God is Triune (one God in three persons, not three gods); with divine being, essence and will, which consists of all holiness (goodness, righteousness, truth); transcendent but knowable, exercises ultimate authority...

Defendable as The Greatest Show on Earth?

Leading Darwinist Richard Dawkins Dodges Debates, Refuses to Defend Evolution as The Greatest Show On Earth Is it defendable as The Greatest Show on Earth? If so, then why is Dawkins ducking out and refusing to debate Dr. Stephen Meyer? I for one would like to see such a debate. Seems Dr. Meyer is not afraid of a debate.

Christianity vs. Islam

In view of the recent news of 1 out of every 4 people worldwide being Muslim , let me give some thoughts to consider (both for Muslims and for those considering the differences between Christianity and Islam): 1. One of the central issues centers on the authority and trustworthiness of the Scripture and the Koran. When a person examines such things as the methods of receiving, preverving and propagating the truth ,along with the measure of internal consistencies vs. contraditions, the Bible proves worthy of acceptance and belief whereas the Koran and Hadith do not. 2. Another issue of consideration is the difference between the God of Christianity and the God of Islam. The God of Christianity is one who atones and is a redeemer whereas Allah is a determinst and hater. 3. A third issue regards differences in the person of Jesus Christ. In Christianity, Jesus is the only begotten Son (Son of God) and came to reconcile man to God through the cross whereas Islam recognizes Jesus only a...

Sexual Liberation and Practical Consequences

Sexual liberation seeks to strip sex of this weighty dignity so that adults can enjoy it without any serious moral commitment, yet at the same time insists that such enjoyment may not be pursued in violation of the consent of one's partner. It is, however, almost impossible to maintain such earnestness about the importance of consent once sex has been stripped of its intrinsic moral content. Carson Holloway provides an insightful article about the practical dilemma brought upon and faced by sexual liberation in Roman Polanski, Hollywood, and the Mystery of the Missing Outrage It goes to show again that you cannot violate God's laws without consequence. Let this be a reminder to us all regardless of the moral law (/commandment) which seeks to be changed or set aside.

Conservative Translation of the Bible

The challenge of Christian believers is to adhere to the Word of God, not to bend the Word of God to our preferred ideology. Doing the former requires discipline and a clear understanding of the the Bible. Doing the latter makes God subservient to an ideology, rather than the other way around. Good quote taken from Ed Morrissee at Hot Air from a post entitled: Do conservatives need their own Bible translation? Seems the 642.65 translations of the Bible already in existence are not enough (I'm being facetious in coming up with that number), now it seems political parties are entering the fray and trying to invent their own translation.

Questions to Ask Darwinists

But once science comes to be taken as the only universally valid form of knowledge within a culture, it follows at once that methodological and metaphysical naturalism become for all intents and purposes indistinguishable. They are functionally equivalent. What needs to be done, therefore, is to break the grip of naturalism in both guises, methodological and metaphysical. And this happens once we realize that it was not empirical evidence, but the power of a metaphysical world view that was all along urging us to adopt methodological naturalism in the first place. Yes, the heavens still declare the glory of God, and yes, God's invisible attributes are clearly seen from God's creation. But to hear what the heavens declare and to see what the creation makes manifest, we need to get rid of our metaphysical blinders. The statements above are drawn from an article entitled What every theologian should know about creation, evolution and design written by William A.Dembski, Ph.D.. Th...

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