The Problem of Evil (PoE) is one of the most frequently cited objections to the existence of God: “If God is all-good and all-powerful, why does evil and suffering exist?” At first glance, this challenge appears to undermine the coherence of the Christian worldview. However, the objection relies on an unspoken assumption: that evil and suffering are objectively real and unjust—claims that atheism cannot logically sustain.
Further, when the free will defense is incorporated into the conversation, the Christian worldview gains even greater explanatory power. The existence of moral evil and suffering becomes not an indictment of God’s goodness or power, but a necessary consequence of God creating free creatures capable of love, moral responsibility, and meaningful choices.
This article will demonstrate:
- The incoherence of the atheistic objection to evil.
- The consistency of the Christian worldview through the free will defense and God’s ultimate purpose in redeeming suffering.
In the end, the Problem of Evil highlights the contrast between a purposefully good God and the capricious meaninglessness of an atheistic universe.
The Atheist’s Dilemma: No Basis for Good and Evil
1. No Objective Moral Standard Without God
Atheism denies a transcendent moral standard. In a universe governed by random processes and natural laws:
- Morality becomes subjective—based on personal feelings, societal norms, or evolutionary survival mechanisms.
- “Good” and “evil” are arbitrary constructs, not objective realities.
“By what standard are you calling something evil? If morality is subjective, why should anyone care about your judgment of what is good or evil?”
Key Point: Without God, the very concept of evil loses meaning. Moral outrage presupposes an objective standard, which atheism cannot provide.
2. No Objective Evil Without a Moral Standard
If no objective moral law exists, then “evil” is merely a human label, not an inherent reality. Atrocities like genocide or acts of selflessness are ultimately reducible to impersonal natural processes.
Yet atheists, in raising the PoE, often speak as though evil is objectively wrong—as though things ought not to be this way. This moral assumption contradicts their worldview.
3. Suffering is Meaningless Without God
In atheism, suffering has no ultimate purpose or meaning. It is merely a byproduct of a purposeless, indifferent universe. While atheists may express emotional outrage at suffering, they cannot explain why it “should not” exist.
The Free Will Defense: Why God Allows Moral Evil
The Christian worldview provides a coherent and satisfying response to the Problem of Evil through the free will defense.
1. Love and Moral Responsibility Require Free Will
God, as perfectly good and loving, created humans with the capacity for free will—genuine moral agency. Without free will:
- Love would not be real but coerced.
- Moral choices would be meaningless because humans would be mere puppets or machines.
2. The Necessity of Free Will for a Greater Good
The existence of free will explains the presence of moral evil (e.g., acts of violence, hatred, and betrayal), but it also serves a higher purpose:
- Character Formation: God allows humans to choose good or evil, thereby refining their character.
- Love and Relationship: Love that is freely given is of far greater value than forced compliance.
- Moral Accountability: Free will ensures that humans are responsible for their actions.
God’s Solution to Evil: Christ’s Redemptive Work
God does not remain distant from suffering and evil—He enters into it. Through Jesus Christ:
- God experienced human suffering firsthand.
- On the Cross, Jesus bore the weight of moral evil and sin, offering redemption to humanity.
- Through His resurrection, Christ conquered evil, death, and suffering, securing ultimate victory for those who trust Him.
Hebrews 4:15: “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses.”
The Problem of Evil is often used to challenge God’s existence, but it ultimately points to Him. Without God:
- There is no basis for objective morality or evil.
- Suffering is meaningless and capricious.
The Christian worldview, however, offers a consistent explanation: evil exists because of free will, suffering serves a purpose, and God has provided a solution through Christ. In Him, there is redemption, hope, and the promise that evil will one day be defeated forever.
Revelation 21:4: “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore.”
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