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Volunism Refined

This article is a continuation of the Biblical concept of Volunism, where we examine additional Scriptural considerations. Volunism: A Biblical Framework for Election and Free Will

Volunism: A Biblical Framework for Election and Free Will


Volunism presents a structured approach to understanding God’s election and foreknowledge, reconciling complex Biblical themes of divine sovereignty, human responsibility, and inherent dispositions toward communion with God. It posits that God, in His omniscience, foreknows every person’s disposition—whether willing for communion or inherently rebellious—and elects accordingly. Volunism, unlike other views, emphasizes that God’s election respects individual inclination rather than overriding it, thereby harmonizing the apparent tensions in Scripture regarding God’s sovereignty, justice, and universal call to salvation.

This article examines the Biblical foundation for Volunism, synthesizing key verses and addressing potential objections. Through this framework, Volunism offers a comprehensive approach that honors the Scriptural witness to both God’s grace and human responsibility.

Key Principles of Volunism and Supporting Scriptures

1. God’s Foreknowledge and Conceptualization of Each Person’s Disposition

Volunism begins with the understanding that God, in His foreknowledge, conceives each individual and knows their inherent disposition—whether toward genuine communion or rebellion. This foreknowledge does not imply causation but rather a deep, intimate knowledge of each person’s inclination.

  • Jeremiah 1:5 (“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you”) affirms that God’s knowledge of individuals precedes their birth, supporting the idea that God conceives each person with an understanding of their unique disposition.
  • Psalm 139:13-16 speaks to God’s knowledge of each person’s days and nature even in the womb, suggesting that He foreknows the trajectory of each life.
  • Romans 8:29 indicates that God’s foreknowledge includes His relationship with those He elects, shaping His plan for their lives in harmony with their predispositions.

2. Election Based on Disposition Toward Communion with God

According to Volunism, God’s election is not arbitrary but respects each person’s inherent disposition. Those who are naturally inclined toward communion are the elect, while those inclined toward rebellion are passed over, consistent with their own nature.

  • Romans 9:10-13 shows that God’s election of Jacob over Esau was based not on actions but His sovereign purpose, indicating that election is not about merit but alignment with God’s predetermined plan.
  • John 6:37 affirms that those given to Christ by the Father (the elect) will come to Him, reflecting a genuine disposition toward God’s call.
  • 2 Timothy 2:19 states, “The Lord knows those who are his,” suggesting a foreknowledge of who will willingly respond to His call.

3. God’s Sovereign Choice and Grace in Election

Volunism upholds that election is entirely an act of grace. God sovereignly chooses the willing, according to their predisposition, as an act of grace rather than human merit. The elect are brought into communion with God, not due to personal accomplishment but because of God’s gracious intervention.

  • Ephesians 1:4-5 speaks to God’s choice of the elect “before the creation of the world,” indicating that election is rooted in God’s sovereign will, not human effort.
  • Romans 9:15-16 emphasizes that mercy is a divine prerogative, not contingent on human will or action, reinforcing that election aligns with God’s grace rather than any form of human earning.

4. Human Inherent Disposition Toward Rebellion or Communion

Volunism acknowledges that humanity is divided in its inherent disposition—some are inclined toward communion with God, while others resist and rebel. This inherent inclination aligns with God’s foreknowledge, and His election reflects these dispositions.

  • John 3:19-21 explains that people are drawn either to light or darkness based on their nature, supporting the idea of inherent disposition.
  • Matthew 7:21-23 suggests that only those inclined toward doing God’s will (reflecting a disposition for communion) will enter His kingdom.
  • 1 John 3:10 differentiates the “children of God” from “children of the devil” based on a natural inclination toward righteousness, underscoring the role of inherent disposition.

5. Election Occurs at the Stage of Conceptualization, Not Actualization

Volunism holds that election happens at the stage of conceptualization, where God, knowing each individual’s disposition, makes His choice. This foreknowledge guides His actualization of events in time without undermining human freedom.

  • Isaiah 46:10 speaks of God knowing “the end from the beginning,” supporting the idea that His plan is complete and predetermined.
  • Romans 8:30 outlines a sequence in which predestination leads to calling, justification, and glorification, showing that God’s conceptualized plan becomes reality as history unfolds.

6. The Distinction Between God’s Mind and Creation’s Reality

Volunism maintains a clear distinction between God’s eternal mind and the reality of Creation. God’s knowledge encompasses all outcomes, yet respects human freedom within His sovereign design.

  • Isaiah 55:8-9 highlights the distinction between God’s ways and human ways, affirming His sovereignty and transcendence.
  • 1 Corinthians 2:7 describes God’s wisdom as predestined and hidden, showing that His eternal knowledge is distinct from our temporal experience.

7. God’s Justice in Passing Over the Unwilling

In Volunism, God’s justice is reflected in His decision to pass over those who are inherently unwilling to repent. God’s election does not compel unwilling individuals; instead, those with a disposition against God remain consistent in their rebellion.

  • Romans 9:22-23 asserts God’s right to show mercy and harden hearts, illustrating the coexistence of His justice and mercy within the context of election.
  • 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 indicates that God allows some to be deluded, aligning with their rejection of truth, reflecting the integrity of each person’s inherent disposition.

Reconciling Verses that Appear to Dispute Volunism

Several verses can seem to challenge Volunism, but careful interpretation reveals that they align with its principles when understood within a broader theological context.

  • 1 Timothy 2:4 and 2 Peter 3:9 describe God’s desire for all to be saved. Volunism reconciles this by interpreting these verses as expressions of God’s general grace and benevolent will for humanity. While God genuinely desires repentance, He respects each person’s disposition, resulting in selective election.
  • John 3:16 (“whoever believes”) and Romans 10:13 (“everyone who calls on the name of the Lord”) affirm that salvation is genuinely offered to all. In Volunism, this universality respects human response. The elect respond due to their willingness for communion, while the unwilling choose to remain apart.
  • Matthew 23:37 and Luke 13:34 show God’s sorrow over human rebellion. Volunism interprets this as an expression of God’s common grace, where His longing for repentance does not override inherent dispositions.
  • Revelation 22:17 (“Let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life”) reflects God’s universal invitation. Volunism upholds this as consistent with a general call to all people, even though only the willing respond.

Conclusion: Volunism’s Harmonious View of Election and Free Will

Volunism offers a cohesive Biblical framework for understanding election and human responsibility. It maintains that God’s foreknowledge encompasses each individual’s disposition, leading to a just and gracious election that aligns with each person’s willingness or unwillingness for communion. This approach respects God’s sovereignty, honors human freedom, and integrates God’s common grace with His particular grace for the


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