In the modern era, much ado has been made in the field of Biblical criticism concerning textual variances in the many historical copies we have that comprise our current set of Bible translations. Without a proper understanding and context, it can cause doubt about the fidelity of God’s Word in otherwise staunch Christians and cause weaker believers to stray from the faith.
First - No informed person denies that there are minor variations in the manuscript texts. That being said, none of these variations have any impact on historic and traditional core Biblical doctrines. The cohesive narrative of Scripture remains over and above the translations and refinements over the centuries.
Second - we do not have the original documents, but Biblical Christians believe that they were originally textually inerrant. There is no surprise minor variations happened over time. We accept some variation now, in the sense that the documents in their original languages are translated into the vernacular. That being said, working to refine the text so that it is as close to the original is a good work, if not critical to preserve God’s message to us.
Third - The reason we believe that the Scriptures are inerrant is because the Holy Spirit is the originator and curator of God’s written Word.
Finally and most importantly, Jesus said, “Scripture cannot be broken” - John 10:35. Our faith in God’s Word is sealed in the testimony of Christ. Don’t let false prophets lead you from the truth. “Test everything, keep what is good” - 1 Thess 5:21.
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