Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Penn from Penn & Teller - Christians should evangelize...

From one type of skeptic to another, I have always respected the mind of Penn Jillette (an admitted atheist) - you can see why in this video - he does understand the imperative of the Gospel - I just pray that the Lord softens his heart and calls him into the Kingdom.


  1. "From one type of skeptic to another, I have always respected the mind of Penn Jillette"


    This just goes to show that you can't pigeonhole people. I would never have guessed that you would respect Penn Jillette, and I like seeing this side of you. I also would not have guessed that he would have this attitude about evangelism.

    I can relate to what Penn says here, because I've known Evangelicals who are like the gentleman he describes. Some of my non-religious friends are a little surprised that I would be friendly with Evangelicals. (Okay, insert sarcastic comments here, gents. I know it may not always seem like it when I post on here.) I can appreciate people who look with humility for the big picture, even when I know they're wrong. ;-)

    Panta, Sword, August, Puritan...Merry Christmas, gentlemen. I sincerely hope the new year finds you and those you love healthy, happy, prosperous... and skeptical.

  2. skeptimal,

    Appreciate your candor (now and ongoing) and the well-wishing.

    In the spirit of the season, I sincerely say to you and all of our skeptical readers (from all worldviews).

    Merry Christmas and Soli Deo Gloria!

  3. Good video. Penn, while still holding his position, seemed sincerely touched by this.

    One thing I like about Penn is that he seems to at least think for himself and not necessary tow the typical atheist line on everything. This may serve him well. It shows honesty and reflection.

    Penn hits the mark and I appreciate his speaking this point when he addresses the relationship between belief, love/hatred, and evangelism... for he is right, and many believers would do well to give this issue the consideration Penn has.

    On the most significant issue, Penn was clearly touched by the goodness of this one man, who being convicted of the truth was willing to reach out to him even though he probably knew they had diffferent beliefs. While "this" one good man can't change things, Penn is mistaken in saying that "... ONE GOOD man can't change things." For Christ, the Son of God, who took upon human flesh, the spotless and blameless one, who came to be the Lamb of God HAS taken away the sins of the world. Here is one, in whom the goodness of the man Penn spoke to only pales in comparison when it comes to goodness... not only when it comes to his perfect righteousness, but the fact that He "who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!" For this reasons "God exalted him to the hightest place and gave him the name that is above every name." Here is one who knowing the truth, left heaven itself to come testify to us concerning the good news of the kingdom and has has given of his Spirit that the very book given to Penn might not only be written, but given to those like ourselves who need the love and peace that comes from God and which is found in the gift of His own Son, that which we celebrate even at Christmas! There is "ONE MAN" who has made a difference, he is the God-man. That's why so often in Scripture God himself testifies and states "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased." It's also why it's stated in Hebrews "Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased. Then I said, 'Here I am - it is written about me in the scroll - I have come to do your will, O God.'" Hopefully, Penn will come to experience the great love and goodness of God who not only fills and inspires the man who spoke with him, but has provided for the needs of all though who receive his promise and look to him for the mercy and salvation he provides.

    Finally, to ALL my CS friends, I too express my gratitude for the relationships we have, not only those who contribute by posting but those who contribute by commenting, and wish you ALL well at all times, and especially this Christmas time of year!


  4. Well that's a softer side of Penn that I haven't seen in his shows, he actually looked very emotional, particularly at the beginning of the video.

    I've got to say though, Penn has to be an embarassment to anyone calling themselves a skeptic. His show Bull**** makes no attempt to be serious, balanced & truthfull. For example check out the episode about NDE's, absolutely terrible.
