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Muslim practice of stoning the devil

In Muslim pilgrims stone devil amid tight control it is stated that "More than two million Muslim pilgrims stoned walls symbolizing the devil in a narrow valley outside Mecca".

Two problems biblically with this practice.
1. Authority and Power of Man- First of all Satan (the god of this world) is not one who can be defeated by humans throwing stones at a wall. He is not only spiritual, but powerful and unable to be dethroned or defeated even my millions of men. Note in Jude 1:9 the position even the archangel Michael took - "But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, 'The Lord rebuke you!'" What's interesting is, Satan continues to exercise control over many, even through the work of deception.

2. Nature of Satan - As stated above, Satan is spiritual and is neither harmed nor held back by men taking physical objects and throwing them at a wall regardless of the symbolism. The only way Satan's rule is limited is by Christ's own rule overthrowing it and the Spirit of the Lord strengthening men through faith to deal with temptation. Christ rule is experienced when by God's own election and calling, man comes through the grace of regeneration and faith to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and honor him, wherein Christ exercises dominion and protects and provides for his people.

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