Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christian Response - Pro-Homosexuals against Rick Warren, etc.

Goodbye Larry King, Hello Jerry Springer!

Carl Truman has been especially good recently on the issues surrounding Obama's swearing in, Rick Warren, pro-homosexuals, etc.

This article is worth the read.


  1. Although I'm not glad Warren will be involved in the inauguration, I do recognize that some good may come of it. It is a clear sign that Obama is not going to treat conservative Christians as second-class citizens. Liberals and moderates should remember that if we waste time settling scores from the past eight years of abuse and incompetence, the country is never going to move forward.

  2. Skeptimal,
    1) Obama and Warren have the exact same position on homosexual marriage. They both are against it.

    2) To what abuse are you referring?

    3) The most incompetence I have seen in recent history is the mess that liberals caused in Freddie and Fannie by allowing mortgages to be approved by people who couldn't afford them. All in the name of compassion of course. This was the first domino in our current mess.

    4) Ask Joe the plumber how he was treated by Obama liberals and their reliance on the politics of personal destruction, before you talk about treatment of conservatives!

  3. I happen to believe that this is an Obama ploy, and will be surprised if Obama has anything to do with Rick Warren after the inauguration. We shall see.
