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Save the Planet

Seems from Scientology to Kabbalah to Tolle ... and the list goes on and on and on, the new cliche and end goal of many now seems to be for man either by faith or by works (i.e, either by hook or crook, or by anything else that might work, be it through one's own consciousness, experience, or efforts) to save the planet (or through cosmic evolution to bring about the kingdom of God on earth).

While global concerns, global partnerships and global efforts and responses are important and have their place, does man really believe that apart from God himself providing that we have it either in ourselves or within our grasp (even our corporate, continuing, advancing, global grasp) to save the planet? Think about it, even though a new and renewed focus on helping others and people taking intiative and playing a part in the world we live in has much good that can be said for it, does man have what it takes to remove sin or to change the nature of the heart? Does man have what it takes to remove greed, envy, sloth, revenge, etc.? Can man alleviate all troubles, trials, tribulation, suffering, and death? Have not the poor been around for awhile and will they not continue to be? Does man possess (or is he going to be able to acquire all) the knowledge needed to sustain the living conditions of man eternally, and even if he could, to what end? Could he as well make it so that the appetite is satisfied? I don't think so.

It seems to me what we have here is another trend set by Hollywood stars (aids relief, Ophrah's school, overseas adoptions, Idol Gives Back, etc.), the media, etc., along with others who have their agenda (be they politicians, scientists, environmentalists, etc.). I imagine the trend will like others which have gone before... last for some time, but then the emphasis or the trends will change (like that of music, or clothes, or of nations, etc.) (I remember living in one town where saving "greyhound dogs" was the trend, but that was soon abandoned for professionals riding Harley's, which then gave way to training for triathalons). Only now, the trend is not just related to global communication and efforts, it seems it's been tied to and even set as one if not the chief end of many religions, or religious philosophies.

In the end, while it behooves mankind to be good and wise stewards and to take care of our planet and to work toward all the positive effects that we can wisely, justly, mercifully and fairly bring about; one should not be surprised if efforts to "save the planet" either fizzle, or fade, or become wearisome, or fall to the back burner for other emphases ... only to be revived again later; for the only one who is truly able, willing and committed to saving the world is Jesus Christ, who has come not only that sin might be done away with, but that recreation, restoration, and true and lasting renewal might be fully and finally accomplished. ("The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to grustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.", Rom 8:19-21)

Note the emphases upon "saving the planet" today though... and ask yourself if man (even in all we are, possess, and are able to set our efforts toward) will be able to do what is being suggested. I'm no pessimist, but a believer, and one skeptical of the current trend and it's accomplishment by any one of or the combination of the various methods and madness by which man is suggesting that he can or even should attempt it, particularly as the end or goal of our faith/exisistence.


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