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Ronald Weinland - False Prophet

Friday's a good day for comedy. Check this out...

We are at the very end-time for man’s self-rule on earth. The Seventh Seal has been opened and now the First Trumpet has been blown. You will want to listen to the sermon given this Sabbath to learn much more.

... Not only has man’s time of self-rule come to an end, the very blessings that God gave through Abraham on a physical plane, for his descendents, is good to understand. God promised much beginning with Abraham (to him) that continued to be revealed even more through the next three generations (Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph). There were promises made on a physical plane that would take mankind up to the very end of man’s first 6,000 years on earth, and then greater blessing beyond that would be both physical and spiritual. However, the United States has been the recipient of the pinnacle of those physical blessings and prosperity (for this first 6,000 years) that God had promised to Abraham. When those promises had been fulfilled and the time had come for those blessings to be taken away (because of sin), we would be cast into this very time we have now entered

Having said that, more will be said in the months to come, but now is the time to publicly reveal the name of the second end-time witness. It is my wife Laura.

These quotes are taken from Ronald Weinland's website, a self proclaimed prophet who claims:
1. To be one of the two witnesses in Rev. 11 (He claims his wife is the other).
2. Beginning today (April 17) within 45-90 days (depending on reactions of people in the U.S.)a nuclear weapon will be set off in the United States in fulfillment of prophecy
3. He will be put to death by the Pope and the Catholic Church in Israel.
4. Etc.

Response: Weinland's misunderstanding and false interpretation reveal he is a false prophet!
1. The promise made to Abraham and his descendants were not physical only in nature. They were spiritual as well. Spiritual blessings (even salvation itself) came to Abraham and the sons of Abraham (through faith).
2. God's covenant of grace is not for 6000 years only but for eternity.
3. Weinland transfers the physical promises related to the type (Israel) over to the United States without justification.


  1. Wow...that dude is out there with his predictions and claims. It's funny - but this probably made his faith meaningful for him - and once he realizes that he is not a 'prophet' - I wonder what happens to his faith?

  2. And I'm told he's been a Church of God pastor for about 25 years.

  3. Well, Thursday came and went, and no sign of this first trumpet blowing. If we are to be completely fair to Ronald, we should accept that it may have 'blown' somewhere, and we are yet to see its effects - which may be revealed in the next couple of months or so, to be traced back to 17th April.
    Personally I have no 'faith' in this - I suspect the man is deluded. But I will still keep at least a *slightly* open mind about this in the coming months.

  4. Well, Thursday came and went, and no sign of this first trumpet blowing. If we are to be completely fair to Ronald, we should accept that it may have 'blown' somewhere, and we are yet to see its effects - which may be revealed in the next couple of months or so, to be traced back to 17th April.
    Personally I have no 'faith' in this - I suspect the man is deluded. But I will still keep at least a *slightly* open mind about this in the coming months.

  5. Sorry for posting twice, my mistake. :)

  6. In his Feb 7 post, Weinland states "As it was mentioned in this past Sabbath’s sermon, the final countdown has begun, as the 1335 days before the actual day Jesus Christ returns began on February 2, 2008." He goes on to state "All that we are experiencing right now is a very small taste, just an ice cube on the tip of an iceberg of what is coming, as God begins to call thousands upon tens of thousands of people over the next year. From there it goes into the millions—all in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of God’s Government over all the earth in the fall of 2011."

    Compare his assertions concerning the end time with the words of Jesus who says "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father....Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come... so you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." (Mt 24)


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