I am looking forward to reading and studying it.
Praise God for men like John Piper!
Wow - just started reading it and this pops right out at me (emphasis mine):
John Piper says:
I found myself at home in these amazing words of Adolf Schlatter as he defined what he believed scholarship (die Wissenschaft) should be.
"I keep myself as free as possible from conjectures and avoid therefore the effort to overturn them. This does not seem like a fruitful business to me. For conjectures are not overturned by producing more of the same. They sink away when one sees that observation is more fruitful than conjecture. . . . I call Wissenschaft [scholarship] the observation of what exists (des Vorhandenen), not the attempt to imagine what is not visible. Perhaps one will object that the guesswork of conjecture excites and entertains while observation is a hard and difficult work. That’s true; play is easier than work. But the Gospel is misunderstood when one makes a plaything out of it."
Study Guide
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