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We are Cosmic Traitors

Consider how human governments treat traitors. Throughout history, treason has been regarded as one of the most heinous crimes, often punishable by death or life imprisonment without possibility of parole. Traitors are not merely lawbreakers; they are seen as enemies of the state, actively working against the very authority that should command their allegiance. In times of war, a traitor's actions can lead to the deaths of countless innocents and the downfall of nations. Governments offer no leniency to traitors; there is no possibility of them simply choosing to switch sides and be welcomed back. The penalty must be paid, and rehabilitation is not even considered. Notably, any past good deeds or loyal service are utterly disregarded; they do not mitigate the traitor's guilt or lessen their punishment. The judgment is severe and final. Yet, with God, the stakes are infinitely higher. There is no hope of rehabilitation or reprieve after death; then comes the judgment, and it is eternal.

Now, consider this sobering truth: in the eyes of God, all of humanity are cosmic traitors. This is not hyperbole or mere analogy; it is the stark reality of our condition as revealed in Scripture. We are not just occasional rebels or inadvertent lawbreakers; we are, by our very nature, enemies of God in active rebellion against His rightful rule over us.

The rebellion of humanity against God is both inevitable and necessary. This may seem paradoxical at first, but it stems from a profound truth about our creation. We have been made in the image of God, a distinction that sets us apart from all other creatures. This image-bearing nature leads to a natural inclination towards self-sufficiency, mirroring in a finite way God's infinite self-sufficiency. Just as God is complete in Himself, needing nothing outside of His own being, we too feel a drive towards autonomy and self-determination.

However, herein lies the tragedy of the human condition. Our self-sufficiency, a dim reflection of God's, becomes the very thing that leads us into rebellion. We, in our finite and fallen state, mistakenly believe we can be like God in His independence. We assert our will against His, choosing our way over His way. This rebellion is inevitable because it arises from the very core of our being as image-bearers. It is necessary because through it, we come to understand our true nature – both our dignity as God's image-bearers and our utter dependence on Him despite our illusions of self-sufficiency.

This understanding deepens our appreciation of God's grace in salvation. We are not merely lawbreakers in need of forgiveness; we are image-bearers in need of restoration. Our rebellion, stemming from our nature, cannot be overcome by our own effort or choice. It requires a radical intervention by God Himself to realign our self-sufficiency under His sovereignty.

As a minister of the Gospel committed to Reformed theology, I feel compelled to address a concerning trend within the broader Christian community: the embrace of synergistic salvation. This view, which suggests that human will cooperates with divine grace in the process of salvation, not only misrepresents the true nature of our fallen state but also diminishes the magnificent grace of God in redemption.

Scripture paints an even starker picture of the human condition than our analogy of earthly treason. We are not merely sick and in need of assistance; we are dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1). Our very nature is that of rebels and traitors against the sovereign God. Every inclination of our hearts is bent towards evil continually (Genesis 6:5). In this state, we do not seek God (Romans 3:11). We are not capable of understanding spiritual truths (1 Corinthians 2:14).

To understand the gravity of our situation, consider this: As cosmic traitors, every choice we make is tainted by that nature. It's not that we cannot choose God; it's that we will not choose God unless God intervenes, pardons us, and transforms us from natural traitors to natural servants. This is why Jesus will say to the redeemed, "Well done, good and faithful servant." Our very ability to serve faithfully is a result of God's transformative work.

Given this reality, salvation cannot be a cooperative effort between God and man. We do not lack ability; we lack the very will to turn to God. It is not that we cannot choose God, but that we will not choose God unless He first intervenes. This intervention is not merely assistance or encouragement, but a radical transformation – a resurrection of our dead spirits.

Synergistic views of salvation, which suggest that humans can cooperate with God in initiating or securing their salvation, fundamentally misunderstand both the depth of human depravity and the nature of God's grace. These views, often well-intentioned, can lead to several dangerous outcomes: They rob God of His glory in salvation, attributing part of the work to human effort. They create uncertainty in salvation, as one can never be sure if they've "done enough." They can lead to pride in those who believe they've chosen God by their own power. They can lead to despair in those who recognize their inability to choose rightly.

Moreover, embracing synergism is a failure to understand the radical nature of our rebelliousness against God. It underestimates the totality of our fall and the depth of our natural enmity towards God. Our rebellion is not a mere misunderstanding or a simple mistake that can be corrected by our own volition. It is a fundamental opposition to God's rule, a treason so deep-seated that nothing short of divine intervention can overcome it. To suggest that we can, of our own accord, choose to cooperate with God in our salvation is to gravely underestimate the power of sin and overestimate our own spiritual capabilities.

In contrast, the biblical and Reformed view of monergistic salvation – where God alone acts to save – offers profound comfort and assurance. It recognizes that our salvation is entirely of grace, from beginning to end. God chooses us before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4), He regenerates our dead hearts (Ezekiel 36:26), He grants us the gift of faith (Ephesians 2:8-9), and He preserves us to the end (John 10:28-29).

This view does not negate human responsibility. Rather, it properly orders it. We are called to repent and believe, but we do so only because God has first worked in us both to will and to work for His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).

Recognizing the roots of our rebellion in our nature as image-bearers helps us understand why synergistic views of salvation fall short. Our inclination towards self-sufficiency runs so deep that even in salvation, we want to claim some role, some cooperation with God. But true salvation lies in surrendering this self-sufficiency, acknowledging that our very ability to choose God comes from His prior work in us.

To my brothers and sisters who have embraced synergistic views, I implore you to reconsider. Examine the Scriptures carefully. See the depth of your own sin and inability. Marvel at the sovereign grace of God that intervenes to save those who would never choose Him on their own.

Embracing this truth will not lead to passivity or fatalism. Instead, it will fuel passionate evangelism, as we realize that God can and does save even the hardest hearts. It will inspire deeper worship, as we recognize that our salvation is entirely a work of God's grace. And it will provide unshakeable assurance, as we rest not in our choice of God, but in His choice of us.

Let us marvel at the wisdom and grace of God, who uses even our rebellion to draw us to Himself, transforming our misguided self-sufficiency into complete dependence on Him. In this, we find our true freedom and the full expression of our nature as His image-bearers.

Let us proclaim this gospel in all its fullness – not a gospel of human cooperation, but of divine rescue; not of human ability, but of God's all-sufficient grace. For it is this gospel alone that truly saves, and it is this gospel that brings all glory to God alone.


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